For folks attempting a bomber intercept a few facts (yes not fake news) should be made known. Most RAF bombers while capable of flying near 270 or so, usually cruised around 180-200 especially in stream to help avoiding accidents. This allowed the NJG to intercept fairly rapidly when they flew around 300 or so. BUT a too rapid approach and you over shot the target and well all things go bad. So, slow down and approach with patience. But when you do the JU88 and all faster planes handle a bit poorly at low speed unless you trim. So to help those eager to attack from behind and below (this was the tried and true NJG tactic to avoid that nasty rear gunner) and approach slowly you need to trim and practice some, well a lot. Try the following as a starting point. Set trim as follows 27.59 for elevator, 8.98 for aileron, and -1.99 for rudder (as per the z key function). Set throttle to 68 percent with rpm at 2400 at around 20k altitude. Should get you a speed of around 218-220. I tested this see video, not as an intercept but nice day time flying to get the numbers correct. Hands free flying was made. Night intercepts were not the zoom and boom like day combat, but think of a cat stalking its prey, slow sneaky, and with stealth. I'll get a proper night video up soon. Also, setting pitch for the guns. All forward firing guns about 2.5 degrees should do. Schrage cannon (R2 7JQK and C6 R4XM) need about -3 degrees. The Schrage guns are set to hit the target at about 100-150 meters when tracers cross the center of the cross hairs. They should be closer as most were really fired at 50-75 meters, close enough to reach out and touch. Hope this helps. The G1/6 will have all of this done when uploaded - I hope!
For folks attempting a bomber intercept a few facts (yes not fake news) should be made known. Most RAF bombers while capable of flying near 270 or so, usually cruised around 180-200 especially in stream to help avoiding accidents. This allowed the NJG to intercept fairly rapidly when they flew around 300 or so. BUT a too rapid approach and you over shot the target and well all things go bad. So, slow down and approach with patience. But when you do the JU88 and all faster planes handle a bit poorly at low speed unless you trim. So to help those eager to attack from behind and below (this was the tried and true NJG tactic to avoid that nasty rear gunner) and approach slowly you need to trim and practice some, well a lot. Try the following as a starting point. Set trim as follows 27.59 for elevator, 8.98 for aileron, and -1.99 for rudder (as per the z key function). Set throttle to 68 percent with rpm at 2400 at around 20k altitude. Should get you a speed of around 218-220. I tested this see video, not as an intercept but nice day time flying to get the numbers correct. Hands free flying was made. Night intercepts were not the zoom and boom like day combat, but think of a cat stalking its prey, slow sneaky, and with stealth. I'll get a proper night video up soon. Also, setting pitch for the guns. All forward firing guns about 2.5 degrees should do. Schrage cannon (R2 7JQK and C6 R4XM) need about -3 degrees. The Schrage guns are set to hit the target at about 100-150 meters when tracers cross the center of the cross hairs. They should be closer as most were really fired at 50-75 meters, close enough to reach out and touch. Hope this helps. The G1/6 will have all of this done when uploaded - I hope!

Combat Flight Simulator 3 2024-09-10 10-39-49
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