Lozenge Colour Investigation


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
For all those amongst us, who build model planes, and for those, who build replicas, that really fly (Hi, WomenFly2 !), this page about Lozenge colour camouflage may be interesting (perhaps even for the makers of P3 - Hi, Makai! But you might have know it already.). Cheers; Olham
PS: ...and for those, who try to change their "skins" in P2, like I do sometimes.

don't you dare to show this here !
Imagine one from the OFF team finds out one of the Lozenge colours of the plane he just skinned is a nuance deviating, because during march 11th from 15.30o'clock 1918 there was another factory producing a fabric that ... a.s.o. ? This means years for the corrected OFF to finish ! Noooooo

You right, better start all skins again :icon_lol:.

Those are nice and well known web pages to me. I have studied many of the resource material from there and usead for skins. Example the lozenge wings partly are based those colors.



don't you dare to show this here !
Imagine one from the OFF team finds out one of the Lozenge colours of the plane he just skinned is a nuance deviating, because during march 11th from 15.30o'clock 1918 there was another factory producing a fabric that ... a.s.o. ? This means years for the corrected OFF to finish ! Noooooo

Jesus, CATFISH, don't get me worried...! But I'm almost certain, that Pol and Makai know this or an even better source. Right, Pol - you won't change it all again, but release soon, won't ya? Pol??? :kilroy:

Added later: yeah, Arto, you saved me from having a sleepless night! I knew, you all knew it! Cheers; Olham

If there's another delay, you may find crowds gathering with torches and pitchforks! :d
.... das lozenge colors in OFF zer perfect. Dam, ve das nut vant to vecover das machinen again!

Ve need to shoost down der British, der not fit for Empires you know.

HYLANDER wrote: Olham, If there's another delay, you may find crowds gathering with torches and pitchforks!

Der Bordeauxrote Baron: Zat reminds me of ze olde Frankenstein movie. I ssink, I better climb into my Albatros and prepare for a "scrambl"? Vill you stand by me, WF2 ? - zey vant my skin ! Alright, but first zey must get me down!! (hurries to his bordeauxred Albatros D III 170)
As the crowd of officers and enlisted men rush the field, the one question that is on every man's mind? Can ve catch zis traitor qvickly, or vil zis schweinehund escape before he can take to zee sky?
Hello Olham
Don't worry, we are done skinning for awhile, and we are pretty happy with the way the skins turned out. Thanks for posting that site, we have used that and many other resources to make the different lozenge patterns for the scouts and 2 seaters. I made some just based on the actual light and dark lozenge patterns from historic photos. Of course an artist never feels his work is good enough and we all feel our skins could always be better, but WM put a stop to that a while ago so we could get this done.
Hello, Makai
Thank you for that working example you sent, were we can see, how you get from a picture to a final skin.
Don't get me wrong - I've only put in this Lozenge colour link for all the model builders amongst us. I'm a graphic designer myself and know the feel, things were never as good as they could be. But your skins are great; with my "trained eye" and knowledge, let me make this clear statement:
Your works are very well done! I am deeply impressed by the variety of skins, you all produced. And I can see and feel, that there was a lot of enthusiasm and passion put in. Already the research before you could even start painting, must have been immense. And then you did so many variating skins for each model; so many individual paintings of the aces' planes; you did the wheathering, and traces of leaking oil and cooling liquids; you did the changes of the airforce's insignias over the time period, and and and...
No, don't get me wrong - I think I can imagine at least a little bit, how much work and passion was and is invested here. And I want to say a very big "Thank you, all" for Phase 2 (which is still such a challenge to me, that no pilot of mine survived more than 12 sorties); and I'm really looking forward to P3 (maybe more, than I ever longed for Christmas as a child!)

To help you through the final production days, I'd like to make a "special donation" as a "thank you" for Phase 2: to all of you, the Makers of OFF, who PM me a postal adress, I will send a parcel with a very good, spicy, self-baked Christmas cake (tell the others). Thank you all!

With all my best wishes; Olham
Hallo Olham,
Do you know of any German forums or websites where we should introduce ourselves? It would be good if we had more German members of our community....
Shredward wrote: "Do you know of any German forums or websites where we should introduce ourselves?"

Not really, Shredward. A good WW1 sim seemed to remain a vague hope of mine, until I came across the OFF site. Here in Germany, most gamers get themselves informed through PC-Game-Magazines. I'll add a little list of sites. But you could ask GREMLIN from the "Wings of Honour"-Website - he may know more.


I think, you should try to get these gamer magz interested in a report about OFF. But I'll keep investigating. GREMLIN, CATFISH, are you there? Can you help, perhaps?
Recommendation at PC-GAMES Forum

Hello again, SHREDWARD
Beeing a very fan of OFF, and cause I admire the effort and enthusiasm being put into it, I have written a "burning" recommendation of "Phase 3" in the Forum of PC-GAMES, one of Germany's biggest Gamer Magazines. It can be read here:

In German, off course. Hope it helps to make you better known here; and that I chose the right words. Cheers; Olham
Great stuff!
My school-boy German is so rusty now that I would never attempt to write anything, but what you wrote was great! With any luck, that will bring a few new Jastaflieger to our community. If you discover any other likely spots to post, please do!
If I can help you all to make P3 more public, I'll do my best - it's the least I can do to give something in return for Ph2, that I got for free.
I have just released a similar, but longer Thread at the Forum of PC-ACTION, a sister-magazine of PC-GAMES


These two are the biggest and best known PC-Gamer-Mags here (as far as I know), and I hope, now you will receive more requests from Germany. You all sure had deserved it. Cheers; Olham