LSMP Payerne Swiss Air Base Scenery !

This one is for FSX (dunno if it's the one mentioned above...).

For FS9, I stick to Daniel Gauthier's awesome LSMP (just below):
It's still incredible what he did to make Switzerland come alive in FS! :applause:
is this it?

Right at the bottom of the page
The images referenced in the link in the first post of this thread wouldn't show for me.
As I look at the Payerne sceneries I have collected over the years the most recent is
by Alexandre Mugny from January 2009 but as Wild Bill said it is for FSX. Daniel Gauthier's
is probably your best bet for FS9. There was also payware Payerne so that might be
what the images I couldn't see were of.
This Scenery you are looking for is not finished jet! I just takled to Pete, the Designer 2 weeks ago in Skype.
They have some new Buildings at the Airport he said, he has to go making some Pics for the textures.
If you have Meiringen LSMM from Pete, you allready know that the Quality of his Sceneries are excellent!
I am one of the lucky Guys who can also test Payerne for FSX :wiggle:
Cheers Isra