Luftwaffe airfield

does anyone know of a WW II era luftwaffe airfield that will work in FS2004?

There is a nice collection of luftwaffe airfields for fs9 but alas payware, Lionhearts operation valkerie pack has them.

Fliegerhorst Katwijk

Perhaps I should leave this thread to be answered by Cees, but I couldn't resist to post some "work in progress" pictures from Fliegerhorst Katwijk of MVK Valkenburg as it was called by the Dutch after the war.


The wooden runways


The original Dutch hangars, which were used repaired and used by the Germans during the war and by the Dutch again after the war.


The road from the airfield to the camp. The Germans build their barracks in the style of Dutch farms. It must have been very good camouflage as the buildings are still there! The buildings were used by the Dutch after the war until the airfield closed a few years ago.


This little chapel which was built by the Germans during the war is still there as well and still in use!


The airfield (WIP) seen from above.

Cees has big plans with this airfield so don't expect it to be finished in a few days or weeks. But it will definitely be worth the wait!


Well word's fail me it look's wonderful can not wait its the best seen as have seen and been to the airfields in calais they are still there and in one its in the woods were the tree still has the names of the pilots ,

were did you get that aircraft in last shot ?:ernae::applause:
The chopper is the Flettner Fl282 by Mark Adams. It was used by the Germans as reconnaissance and anti-submarine helicopter.

It is avialable at (FS9 downloads page 5). The rotor textures are by Bananabob and can be found in BananaBob's Prop and Rotor warehouse at (you have to register before you can download.)

Very nice screenies Huub!



Its easy to make nice shots when the subject is already nice ;)

Cees, I don't know whether you plan another visit to Valkenburg, but coming from the chapel driving toward the airfield there are some original buildings at the right side from the road as well. One has been refurbished but I think you will recognise what is original and what isn't. Behind the modern buidling (AZC) there are three large low buildings which used to be most probably workshops for the Motor transport group.


Thanks for the screen shots.....


You truly are a master at your craft! The amount of detail in your buildings is breath taking.

Thank you for all the nice comments. :jump: Yes Huub I'm going there again. Maybe next monday, provided the weather is good. I need more material!

Awesome scenery guys! Those building textures are first rate!

They really had a long distance to the airstrip from the buildings. Perhaps for defense purposes.

You need some Hippy flowers on that VW Thing. Maybe paint it neon green...

Yes Huub I'm going there again. Maybe next monday, provided the weather is good. I need more material!

I won't be there to join you Cees, as I will be in France for my summer holiday (although it is already autumn!)

You need some Hippy flowers on that VW Thing. Maybe paint it neon green...

Perhaps I will Bill :d , but I need to aks the guy who made the model permission to make the repaint ;) But don't you think its a bit weird, a hippy car, with a German soldier in it, even wearing a steel helmet :confused:

Perhaps I will Bill :d , but I need to aks the guy who made the model permission to make the repaint ;) But don't you think its a bit weird, a hippy car, with a German soldier in it, even wearing a steel helmet :confused:


Ahh.. Very true Huub.. arrrgh. Oh well. Maybe for a modern version airfield package.

Yep, my permission to Hippy-ize the Kubie or paint it in other colors. :d


(thinks to self, I could make a diff model that has a surf board in the back and helmet removed) :d

Again, great textures on those buildings guys. Awesome work!
Perhaps a little more info might be of help. the vehicle in qeustion is a VW type 62 Kubelwagen of WW II vintage, more or less the german equivelent of a jeep, widely used by all the german military including the Luftwaffe. If you were really fanatical about it you could redo the license plates with one for the Luftwaffe See the link


The "Thing" was a VW car done in the 1970's that was based on it's general lines


hope this clears up the confusion
I tried to hippy it but the MP40 and helmet just didnt sit right man, so i cammo'd mine instead.
Again, great textures on those buildings guys. Awesome work!

Bill, Huub didn't make the textures for this base (yet?). :kilroy:He guided me through the remains of the airfield and told all the stories he knows (a lot!) about the base. Huub is a technical adviser in this matter, but your remark has a value in itself: Huub could make wonderfull textures for buildings! So perhaps......

