Luftwaffe crashed aircraft rescue scenery

Good evening Shessi,
I downloaded the scenery but it doesnot show in my FSGW3 version of FS2004,
also if we find how can I "move" this scenery near by Lorinet in Brittany?
I would be glad if you an help me this scenery to work on my sim.
I hope not to bore you, but I tried to do what you told me to delate the scenery data.
Did so and restarted the flight - nothing
than I had a look on the map - the indicated position (N56*00.00'/E16*00.00') is close to the swedish coast.
What is also astonishing me is when I decompiled the bgl, I found no coordinations in it.Gloups.
I supose that something is wrong on my sim.
Hi Papi,
Ahh, I have thought of something. After installing the scenery and putting it on the Fs9 scenery list, have you exited and re-started Fs9? If you have installed and not done that, it will not show up, I bet that is your issue! ;)

60 people have downloaded this scenery, and you are the only one who seems to have a problem. If it is on the scenery list and you have re-started the sim, then it has been recognised and installed by the sim.

Have you tried flying to the co-ordinates, and seeing if it there? If not then it must be a scenery setting in your sim set-up. You need to check the settings.

And no, you're not boring me! ha ha! :wavey:


Luftwaffe crashed aircraft rescue scenery Can't find it

Hallo Shessi,

of course I installed the scenery as I should do.
It is not the first scenery I install.
And it is in the first line of the scenery list in the FS9 scenery list.
I have flown to the given coordinates. They bring me close to the swedish coast.
This would astonish me a lot.
I suggest another way to find it; can you please tell me a starting point (as example Peenemünde) and
than the heading to fly?
Hi Papi,


Humble apologies, totally my fault, and no you're not going mad! ;)

I changed the location from N56 E16 to N56 E19, updated the readme for CFS2 and must have missed the Fs9 one..Dohhh!

I am completely shocked that no one else has mentioned this, out of the 60 downloads?!

It vill be zare, jawohl!

Apologies again


Hallo Shessi,

good things will take it's time as we say in german,LOL.
As you will see on the joined ic, the Arado crew will be rescued.
Thank you a lot for your patience - and for the scenery
,,, I am completely shocked that no one else has mentioned this, out of the 60 downloads?! ... i

Just goes to show that not all of us have the hobby time to install everything immediately when we download it. much less check it all out in the sim right away.

Thanks for digging into the issue and finding the solution.
And thanks for the scenery, and for the plane! :ernaehrung004:
Glad to see that it's just one bgl file, so it can be easily relocated.

(For those unfamiliar with the process, open [preferably in Notepad] with BGLXML, change the coordinates as you desire, and recompile with BGLcomp.)

There would have been a few (or more than a few) in the Channel and North Sea during the Battle of Britain period.