MAAM Avenger


Can someone tell me where I can get the service pack update for this?

I bought the Avenger when it first came out, and had no problems with it on my old computer, Win XP. So I never bothered with the update.

Now on my new computer, Win 7, it crashes to desktop unless I remove the panel.

The link on the MAAM site is dead. Wonder if available somewhere else?
Thanks Tom. Tried that link, and the sp download link is no good. At least on my puter. Left a post at MAAMs support forums.
If you haven't sorted it out yet you might try what helped me.

On my system it was only the TBM-3 that had a problem, turned out to be the "MAAM_TBM!Hours" gauge. When I went thru the panel cfg and disabled that gauge the aircraft worked fine for me.

I'm not sure if my config is stock, but in mine it shows up as gauge05 in window06 and as gauge23 in the VC.

Hope that helps.
Have a response from MAAM. Link is fixed. Downloaded the service pack. Great support from MAAM.

Good result Robert. I've always found their support to be brilliant, never less than helpful - wish all retailers/developers worked to this standard although, to be fair, many do. :applause: