MAAM B-25 GunShip Blank Textures!

Thanks Ted, and yes I'm flying this bird (occasionally...).

(Milton's A-20 more or less took over as my "default" twin engine aircraft).

I still enjoy this remarkable aircraft and it's the only B-25 Gunship available.

Thanks for the effort in making the bare metal bird. Any chance anyone has had luck masking out the guns and turret? I would like to repaint either a MAAM or RCS bird as a post-war TB-25. There were lots of neat paint jobs applied to the trainers and hacks. I particularly like the SAC versions.

Tanks again,
Metallic textures for maam sim b-25 by tufun


The metallic textures that I put on this model (glass or solid nose) show up in the FS2004 pre-view screen, but then the sim locks up when I attempt to open the model.

I note that you state that you have not tested these textures in FS2004. Grateful if you take a look, as the pics of these textures are really nice and would love to see a 'Tufun' bare metal skin in FS2004.


PS - happy Hogmanay and many thanks for all of your past works.

For me the textures load without any problem (even with the long folder name in the package). Can you check whether other liveries load without problems? As I have problem with the MAAM B25 as well, but these problems are caused by the gauges. It looks like the current version of Windows10 doesn't really like the gauges...


Metallic textures for maam sim b-25 by tufun


Thank you for the reply. My apologies for this tardy one. Christmas, Hogmanay et al!

Have had a few glitches with MAAM's B-25 like you have. Yes I think the problem lies with the gauges. Anyway as I informed Tufun, I have a shed load of skins for this a/c. But I do like his work. I find it amazing that FS2004 still goes on working with new upgrades to Windows. I am still working OK with the latest version of Windows 10 - 64 bit. Have had to transfer many a/c to a 'hangar' together with a massive reduction in skins for the popular a/c. System loads FS2004 much speedier now!

Thanks again for your reply and Happy New Year to you. Have enjoyed your excellent skins for years. I owe you a few beers or G & Ts.


Briefing time was one of my older payware aircraft and I have downloaded the patches and updates for a long time. But somewhere I stopped this, most likely as I flew Briefing Time less often. When I wanted to fly the solid nose bersion I realised the model didn't want to work with the original .cab file. After many attempts to change the contents of this .cab file, I still wasn't able to get my version of Briefing Time working with the original gauges.
Therefore I decided to purchase the latest version. This version has a completely different way to handle the gauges and works with Windows10 without any problem.
