MAAM C-47 Second Chance by request


Charter Member
Mustang pilot,

Look it over and tell me if you want it. Without a really good level close up of the nose art, this is the best I could do with what I have.

It looks great!! Thank you. I can get u a better picture. I will upload it soon. One other thing and please don't take it wrong... I am not a painter... Second Chance is a dark brown and gray color scheme. Is it easier to do it in the olive drab? Let me get you those pictures.


Here is a side view that shows off the Brown and light gray bottom. I hope this helps... If you cannot do brown I understand... olive drab it is. I am still searching for a better picture of the nose art. but it will do. Thanks again warhawk....

I can't find anything bigger. We can do it without it or just go with what you have.

My eyes must be getting bad. I could swear it is brown and light gray.... Good times boys!!!! It sucks getting old...


It would be nicer brown. It is different from all the rest. It is a gorgeous C-47 for sure.


I just lucked at a few more pictures..... it is Brown and Gray!!! My eyes are not that bad yet!!

That is the one I have...looks great till you shrink it way down to fit. Also, notice the paint on the fuselage is green LOL
Just as long as you get the girl, does it really matter....:wavey:

It's possible that the color differences are due to the camera or light settings of the different photos. What would it look like if you played around with the color hues of the photo?

Have been busy on other projects, I get misc requests all the time...will get it to you when finished....I havve to port over the DDay stripes from the green model (still assuming you want the brown one?)

Thanks for the update. I would like the brown one. Thank you again.
