MAAM C-47D Luftwaffe repaint

Wild Bill Kelso

Charter Member 2011
Gooney time again!

Now it's the German Airforce C-47D in post-1968 markings as 14+06:


In 1957, the German Airforce received 20 C-47D (former C-47B with removed superchargers) from the USAF. 18 of them were assigned to Lufttransportgeschwader 61 (1. Staffel), 2 to the Regierungsstaffel (VIP transport).
In 1958, the C-47Ds of LTG61 were replaced by Nord 2501 Noratlas, and the Dakotas went to the Flugzeugfuehrerschulen (training units) "A" (Landsberg), "B" (Fuerstenfeldbruck) and "S" (Memmingen/Fassberg), the Waffenschule 50 (Erding) and the Fernmelde-, Lehr- und Versuchsregiment 61
(FmL/VSuRgt 61).

The depicted C-47D "14+06" (c/n 16405/33153) was delivered to
USAAF as Bu.Nr. 44-76821, later went to
RAF as KN547.
She saw Luftwaffe service in the markings of
GA+110 (Lufttransportgeschwader 61),
AS+590 (Flugzeugfuehrerschule S),
AB+590 (Flugzeugfuehrerschule B),
BD+590 (Waffenschule 50) and finally
14+06 (Fernmelde-, Lehr- und Versuchsregiment 61).
Later used by Swedish Airforce 79008-78,79008-798,
then civil SE-IKL, N56V, N5467Y (preserved).

Pictures of the also preserved 14+01:
were very helpful to create the stencils and markings as accurate as possible.





And that's how the real ship looked like:


She just made her way to, should be available soon...

Have fun!

Thanks, mate!

But it seems like I can't rock this house with an aircraft that doesn't have some kind of Maple Leaf on it, can't I? :bump:

Was this one too exotic for you fellows at the other side of the pond? :icon_lol:

O.K. here comes the good news:
I'm already researching and collecting for my next job.
Don't want to reveal too much of it by now - but it's an aircraft that's able to swim too.
And it will bear this one: :canada:

So stay tuned.

So do I, Markus.

I remember having seen Luftwaffe C-47D's at Soesterberg AFB (NL). Also a couple of times the C-53 with the NASARR nose. Odd looking, but so was one of the F27 Troopships of the RNLAF (I think it was the C-8) that had a NASARR nose fitted too.

Anyway, thanks lot for the repaint.

Thank you, guys!

Appreciate your feedback! :ernae:

I remember having seen Luftwaffe C-47D's at Soesterberg AFB (NL). Also a couple of times the C-53 with the NASARR nose. Odd looking...

Oh, yes:


Maybe we could ask the MAAM crew for a little model upgrade? :d

Fastest lookin' Goon ever!
Great photo, Markus.

Ah, the Luftwaffe must have had two NASARR trainers at their disposal then, for this one is a C-47D. (I saw the C-53 NASARR trainer on a b/w photo in a book during the late 1960s/early 1970s) Interesting.


Great looking paint! :applause::applause::applause:

I got a ride in a US Army C-47, all on Uncle Sam's dime, once upon a long time ago. Ah, yes, the old Vomit Comet! :icon_lol:

Fort Huachuca, Az., Electronic Warfare School, April 1970, learning to operate the SLAR system mounted in OV-1Bs. Logged 1.75 hours. Wish I could find the pictures!

This is a really nice one, Markus! Up to your usual high standards too, I see. But I confess I'm developing an itch to see what the mystery Canuck jobbie looks like.

Many thanks, Markus.
Thanks, mate!

But it seems like I can't rock this house with an aircraft that doesn't have some kind of Maple Leaf on it, can't I? :canada:


It seems you may have turned the Maple Leaf into an Albatross around your neck...

You Can SO rock this house without the Maple Leaf, but maybe the lack of response is just due to the fans all being off at airshows around Europe.
Thanks, fellas! :ernae:
It's not that I was some kind of miffy...
But I also know that colourization of blank metal base textures is not to everyone's favour. So I just wanted to hear some feedback to avoid going to the wrong direction. Please keep in mind that my first repaint was released last year's November and I'm still learning...

@ Jon:
Want to have your itch scratched?
It's supposed to look like this (no, it's not the raft...):
Thank you again, gentlemen!

Want some more colourful Goons?
What about this one:



The depicted C-47D "14+01" (C-47B-20-DK c/n 15544/26989) was delivered to
USAAF as Bu.-Nr. 43-49728, went to
RAF as Dakota IV KK209.

She saw Luftwaffe service in the tactical markings of
GA+117 (Lufttransportgeschwader 61)
GR+117 (Reserve der LTG)
XA+111 (Fernmelde-, Lehr- und Versuchsregiment 61)
14+01 (Flugvermessungsstaffel).

She's preserved and displayed at
DEUTSCHES MUSEUM - Flugwerft Schleissheim
Awesome pictures of the preserved 14+01 can be found here:

This release not only contains some more dayglo stripes, she also bears:

- improved tactical markings (corrected font),
- accurate noseart (bavarian bear of the Flugvermessungsstaffel),
- squadron crest on the tail.

Nitpickers may take a look at the link above to check if they could find any significant differences... :d

Just pushed over to

Have fun!
Superb! The added historical background is excellent as well, brings FS alive. Amazing what a virtual pile of aluminum, rivets and paint can do to liven up real life aviation history.

Thank you!

I'm pleased to get this nice feedback!
Thank you!

@ java:
I must confess that doing all the neccessary research before starting (or even while doing) a repaint is almost more fun than finally pushing these pixels around.
And since I found this great community here at SOH, none of these researches led to a dead-end-street. Therefore, I also consider my work as a contribution to this community.

In all those years of downloading flightsim addons, I always appreciated packages that do not only provide scenery, aircraft or textures but some background material as well. Sitting in a virtual aircraft I know more about than just which switches to throw to get her roaring, "feels" much better to me. Those aircraft won't get dusty in my hangar...

I'm very glad to hear that these efforts are welcome!


Sorry, boys!

Seems like I spoiled my yesterday's upload.
Must have been some kind of mental outlogging - I packed the wrong textures (those of the 14+06)... :banghead:

The corrected set just was sent to flightsim.

If anyone wants to get the corrected fuselage textures via email (1,4 MB zipped), feel free to ask via PM.

I'm very sorry about the inconvenience! :isadizzy:

The corrected set (I hope at least...) just made its way to the SOH library.