Macchi MC205


Charter Member 2015
I know this has already been posted in the FSX area. Not much to mention for response. I tried installing it, but every time I try to load it, FS9 crashes. No idea what's causing it either.
.....And, I'm aware that the subject of this type of plane was talked about in two other topics a few months ago. But the topic is so dang long I can't decipher it all to get that working either.

I keep asking myself if it's worth the headache I'm getting.


FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds
FS2004/FSX Macchi MC205

[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 4,703,711 Date: 09-01-2010
FS2004/FSX Macchi MC205. The C. 205 was a single-seat, all-metal, monoplane fighter, intended primarily as an interceptor but with ground attack and escort capabilities. The long nose housed a Fiat RA.1050 R.C. Tifone engine (built under license from the German DB605 engine) which drove a three-blade, constant-speed metal propeller. Three liveries are provided: one model reproduces the aircraft displayed at Vigna di Valle hystoric museum, with the co-belligerant Italian Air Force livery, a second one with the livery of Regia Aeronautica (Italian Royal Air Force circa year 1943) and a third one with the livery of 'Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana' operated in the last part of World War II with the 'Repubblica Sociale Italiana' Air Force. The package features very accurate visual model and VC, highly reflective metallic skin and full animations. The panel background has been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found on the net and some photos from an official operating manual. Most of the gauges have been created by the author, a few are default gauges. Included in this model is a virtual cockpit, with working essential flight instruments and animated flight controls, plus camera views (FSX only). By Italo D'Attomo.[/SIZE]
...every time I try to load it, FS9 crashes. No idea what's causing it either.

If you like the MC.205, this is the only one until the new one comes out. It's a nice airplane. I know it has some display problems but it should load ok. You might try a download from another site, maybe there is a corrupt file.

Mike Zola, Falcon409, and Manuele Villa did some outstanding work on this model.
Yeah, I got it figured out finally. I had an issue with the gaugesound.dll file. After getting it sorted out it's not bad. Looks great on the exterior!! Flies like it's on a rail too. I would love to see Manuele do one of thee to all it's glory:wiggle:

Thanks Falcon, Huub, Mike and Manuele for putting it together and the repaints too :wavey:
OleBoy, if you're just getting 'round to adding this to your hangar, I could give you a list of things to do for her that will absolutely make this aircraft beautiful to look at as well as fly. Regarding your crashing problem, if I remember correctly, some people may have had problems with the 'gun' effect- that .dll file they supply with the download has to be in the main FS9 folder or (they say) the sim will crash. I don't remember having a problem, though... I've flown it in FSX as well as FS9 without any big problems like that...
-Mike Z.

P.S. Oops, I'm not quick enough- you got it! -M.Z.
Hi Mike.

Yeah. I had the issue with the gaugesound.dll. Got that fixed. Trying to get Falcons VC to show up correctly now as gauges are out of alignment on the panel. Ed did a nice panel. I'd sure like to get it sorted if you can help
Did you find version 2 of Ed's VC work?

I'm curious- have you got around to trying the FDE files from the CFS2 1% Veltro?
I got the VC files Ed just sent Pam and I. Still can get it sorted. Not much info in the read-me though that help. Common sense isn't doing the trick so, Pam is doing surgery on it as I
...As for the other FDE, No, I haven't tried it? Where might that be?
That would be '1IT MC205' or something like that- it's in the Warbird's Archive. I copped the .air and the aircraft.cfg files, made the usual tweaks involving contact points, etc., and she flies very nicely. As far as I know, everyone who has done the same thing has liked it!
While Manuele was working on his skin for it (beautiful, isn't it?) I hammered on the skin from the same plane and made it work on this one- though it never really came out good enough on the underside, due to the texture mapping trouble. -Mike
Hey Mike, I got a real good idea. How about you email me the completed and working unit that has the VC and everything working? Short of that way, I'm about done messing
I'll find this out once Don get's the full version Mike, but did Manuele do something with the original VC bitmap? The reason I ask is because Don was getting the original VC bitmap in the VC, but with what sounds like the gauge placement I did for my bitmap. So even though my VC was present in the texture folder, what was showing up was the original bitmap. lol, if you can follow that at all. . .(it's 2am here and I'm going to bed so I can get up in 5 hrs).:salute:
Ed, I would have to check, but I don't think Manuele did anything with the interior- I sent Don my panel folder and the same bitmaps you included in your mod, just to be safe...
Time for me to get sack time too- gotta drop the lady off a work(her car's in the shop)... -Mike Z.
Hi Friends,
After the release of the FIAT C.R.42 I'll begin to work with the Macchi C.202 and C.205, I just received ALL the source files (original CFS3 model) from Mr.Zazzetta (Italianwings).......
But You must wait......
Ed, I sent Don my panel folder and the same bitmaps you included in your mod, just to be safe...

Yeah Ed. And, WooHoo!!! Yay Yay it worked. It worked! :greenbo:
Mike, once you started sending me the files, I was afraid your idea of sending them they way you did was not going to work. Reason being is I was lost to start with and I thought all I was getting were duplicates. Well, what made it work was the fact that you briefly mentioned something about the VC bitmaps going in the texture folder. My thoughts were "huh?" Is that the step I missed?"" My gut feeling was telling me otherwise because it made no sense. But I did it anyway. I took the chance. I figured worse come to worse it would be another failed attempt and that one would off the desk and in the trash like the other try. It worked! :ernae:

Now after going back and reading , Ed, your instructions you put with your, awesome VC panel make more sense. Somewhat lysdexic but, (Makes me think of the term SNAFU) kidding :173go1:) ROFL. It does make some sense!

OK, all teasing aside. Mike, thanks. Now I can fly the darn thing . And Ed, thanks for the excellent panel work. I'll be sure to watch for more of your stuff.


Hi Manuele. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work. After flying the Macchi, I can't wait :salute:
Ed, you've got me curious. I really like the looks of your panel work. I took the bitmap into photoshop to have a look. Real nice. I think I understand what you looked at to create the template and build it up. By your adding the wires and switches, that makes all the difference in the visuals. What did you use to make the panel itself..Illustrator?

PS, you know I was just razzing ya in my previous post I hope :)

By the way, what setting do I change to get me higher in the VC? Right now I'm sitting on a milk

Is it one of these numbers? reference_datum_position = 0, 0, 0
Hi Friends,
After the release of the FIAT C.R.42 I'll begin to work with the Macchi C.202 and C.205, I just received ALL the source files (original CFS3 model) from Mr.Zazzetta (Italianwings).......
But You must wait......

I wasn't going to be so bold as to ask about it just now- I'll bet that you're good and ready for a break at this point (not to mention deserving of one)!

If the Veltro and Folgore come out anywhere as good as the CR42, they will be worth whatever waiting is required!

While I'm thinking about it, though- is there any chance that somewhere way down the road we might see a Fiat G.55 as well? I repeat, way down the road- no way am I wanting to appear pushy here, just curious...

Ed, it was my pleasure to help out- as I told oleboy, it's actually a nice bird- It just needed some lovin' to make it all it could be! I'm glad I have it!
-Mike Z.
P.S. OleBoy- you'll be looking for a line in aircraft.cfg called 'views'- increase the third value to raise the eyepoint. -M.Z.
Tinkered a bit with the interior side bulkheads. Much less cluttered and crisper. I still have the seat and fwd bulkhead and then the entire interior will have been replaced.
WOW!!! That's looking dang nice Ed!

Almost forgot something. Thanks for the help with the view settings Mike. Greatly appreciated!