Machine Gun Effect ?


Hi Guys, I'm looking for a machine gun effects (preferably single) could someone please point me in the right direction, I've searched but I can't find one, Thanks in advance.
You could try over at Hovercontrol and search gunz for I don't know if there is a sound to go with it.
Always have trpoble with gun sounds

I always have trouble with gun sounds ,the ones that I get to work I put in both sounds and effects but with some you can't do that(can't remember why at the moment) but the ones that just go to sounds never work for me.( just realised trouble is spelled wrong ,sorry.
Hi Guys, I'm looking for a machine gun effects (preferably single) could someone please point me in the right direction, I've searched but I can't find one, Thanks in advance.

The Pfalz DIIIa for FS2004 by Stuart Green comes with mg effects. They work well and are adaptable to other aircraft.
I think some of Stuart Green's WW1 aircraft include a good machine gun sound (eg. his Fokker D.VII Not being a designer myself I've no idea how you'd incorporate it or if you'd require permission to do so.

There's a few of Stuart Green's a/c besides the Pfalz that have the machine gun sound and effect included that is linked to the joystick 'trigger'. The README included with Dave Eckert's Sopwith Camel explains how to adapt it to the Camel, and it works with others as well. To my ears it's a good sound for the .303 Vickers/Spandau of WWI vintage- I've adapted it to a number of WWI a/c with no problems in FS2004- doing the same thing to a FSX a/c (using the same files) makes FSX crash for some reason... -Mike Z.
Hi Craig,

Rob Barendregt did a freeware gun effect for the Classics Hangar FW190. I'm convinced when you ask Rob he will be prepared to do the same for you. Rob is known here as RCBarend. But you can find the effect at and all his contact details are in the read-me. (The filename is

OK the FW is an FSX effect...but it's exactly what I was looking for too: I wonder if Rob would do a cannon for the Sanderson Tin Opener Hurricane?
OK the FW is an FSX effect...but it's exactly what I was looking for too: I wonder if Rob would do a cannon for the Sanderson Tin Opener Hurricane?

This will work for the Hurc.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Panels FS2004 Gauges--Spitfire Cannon Effect Gauge
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 171,967 Date: 12-06-2004 Downloads: 1,381
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Gauges--Spitfire Cannon Effect Gauge. This freeware package contains a visible/audible cannon effect plus control gauge, as add-on for RealAir Simulations' Spitfire (payware). The effect is activated either by mouseclicking the gunswitch on the panel, or by a key / joystick button that generates FS2004 "reheat/afterburner on/off" commands. Including detailed installation instructions. The package can be used (although with limitations) for other aircraft too. By Rob Barendregt.
Thanks Terry,
Seems to work OK (Obviously, no mousing of VC gunbutton available):

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0 = 4, -3.20, 0.00, -0.90, fx_vclighthurricane
light.1 = 4, -1.20, 0.00, -1.30, fx_vclighthurricaneiid
light.2 = 5, 1.25, -10.20, -1.85, fx_landing
light.3 = 5, 1.25, 10.20, -1.85, fx_landing
light.4 = 7, 6.40, 1.00, -1.00, fx_smoke_hurriid
light.5 = 7, 6.40, -1.00, -1.00, fx_smoke_hurriid
light.6= 10, 5.5, 5.6, -3.4, SpitfireCannon
light.7= 10, 5.5, -5.6, -3.4, SpitfireCannon

For some reason, the visuals are intermittent and random.
I'd have expected a tracer regularly every 50 rounds or so.
