magic 100 has arrived. just uploaded to the S.O.H. site.


happy flying to all
this is the 100th mission for O.F.F.
i have decided to throw in some of Stumpjumper's great modding work as a bonas extra.
let me clarify that the addition of these files will in no way shape or form cause your game to not function or cause you a mismatch in online play. the mustard gas train cars add a great deal of emersion and eyecandy to the mission as well as makeing it more challengeing to actually ''take out'' the cars and watch the green gas wafting out of the tankcars.[provideing you hit them].
download the zipp file to your desktop and then download the files to the desktop. open up the folder and follow the readme for a trouble free install.this is a busy mission with an artillary duel,troops,trucks,ammo dump,and a train to get rid of. best to be played in multi play as no single plane could accomplish all of these mission goals.
above all else: ENJOY! and thank-you for downloading and playing PD's Boys Of 60 O.F.F. missions.
A big Salute!

That is quite a milestone.

I hope that people who have not already done so will go and download a few now.This man is a mission building wizard.I have not flown a single mission created by Bob which has failed to please.

If you had any comprehension of the number of missions that pour out of his head in all the other sims which he flies you would realise that Bob is a most extraordinarily gifted and enthusiastic individual who we are indeed fortunate to have here.

He is one of only a handful of OFF enthusiasts who has the skill and patience to create missions for the use and enjoyment of us all.He is, by a New York mile, the most prodigious.

I hope you will congratulate him for what he has achieved. I do not for a moment think he will sit back and let it rest at 100 missions uploaded.He will go on a long while yet.It is the man's style.




WTG PD :ernae:

What you do for not only the Boys of 60, but OFF too, deserves way more than I can say in a mere post!

We really appreciate your work, and get so much enjoyment from what you do :D



not only a 'century of missions'

but PD has been a patient and friendly source of help to many of us who fumble with some of the basics (especially me). it isn't much but I for one am very greatful he is part of the SOH OFF family. i see many others recognize his skills and talents much more elequently than I. For me it's a special day when I see a new PD OFF mission in the library. Thank you very much PD for your contributions.
.... no single plane could accomplish all of these mission goals.

We'll just see about that PD lol ! Congrats on your 100th P2 mission. Outstanding performance and very much appreciated by all (particularly wichner) but I fear your Gretsch is not getting the attention it deserves.

Thanks for adding some of Stumpy's mods. A master stroke indeed !
PD is indeed most prolific. (And no, Bob....that isn't a medical condition....:d)

Gratz again mate! Well done!!:ernae::applause::ernae:
