MAIW developers discussing going to P3Dv4


It looks like the major AI developers at MAIW may be going to all P3Dv4, as well as a number of other regime developers, i.e. tubeliners and GA designers. Quite an interesting discussion here:

I look forward to this, getting the MAIW packages working in P3Dv4, as well as most of the retro, and current airlines and GA aircraft and military will be fantastic. :applause::applause::applause:
I have to agree Don. I'm sure there are many (me included), who despite the desire to integrate MAIW into their Sim, have lacked the will power necessary to plod through the steps required to get an FS9 product to cross over to the newer Sims.
Great news. They have some great scenery but didn't want to covert. I have enough problems already.
So, as the new guy to P3Dv4 and never really used much of the MAIW items in FSX, how daunting of a task is it to convert their majority FS9 models into FSX models that are then compatible with V4? I read all 10 pages about their ongoing process, and love what they have in their library, but the bulk of their stock is FS9.

If I can get MyTraffic Professional 6.0a to work, it has some military traffic that must be deleted, but I would love to supplement with MAIW. I am just not sure how ambitious one need to be to convert the wonderful stuff MAIW has put together.

I've only converted one or two of their airbases using this guide here:

That being said, I don't see very many people or MAIW jumping to convert the FS9 stuff to P3D or FSXA for that matter.

Thanks for the link. I will look it over this week. After reading their earlier posted thread, it sounded like there was enthusiasm, but I am sure since much is a labor of freely dedicated passion to the hobby, that passion is lost when having to migrate so much duplicated dedication. I am going to install the few P3Dv4 sceneries they do have and once my install of everything I want added is completed, see what I can do to modify some of the items too.

I am curious if they are open to receiving the modified files, in hopes of expanding their current library to P3Dv4 much quicker?
In my opinion, John Young over there is the AI-Guru! He designed all his great aircraft FOR ALL STILL POPULAR flightsim versions, FS9 to meanwhile v4 abreast! Means, all his superb military aircraft he did for FSX native so far also run almost perfectly in v4! For all military AI enthusiasts MAIW should be the first choice!
Only drop of bitterness is no proper Tornado to come near future. That's a real pity because there are so many Tornado jets all around Europe. But hope dies last....
I think not all source files of some former FS9 aircraft will be aviable anymore so several AI will have to be designed FSX or P3D native....
I would love to see MAIW update or move to v4. I have missed their products since moving from FS9. I tried going through and updating the sceneries as described in their forums without much luck. Pretty much all of my simming is out of military airports, usually Naval Air Stations, so this would be a huge addition to my simulator!
I would love to see MAIW update or move to v4. I have missed their products since moving from FS9. I tried going through and updating the sceneries as described in their forums without much luck. Pretty much all of my simming is out of military airports, usually Naval Air Stations, so this would be a huge addition to my simulator!

Totally agree! NC
I have everything converted and working in FSX concerning AI models themselves, a few scenery issues, but I've found suitable FSX native replacements. As l look to transition over to P3D, watching the forums more on those having issues with later versions. 100% agree with John Young's work, as he developed 2 special AI models dear to me (H-60,King Air), but the process to take a FS9/FSX/P3D to v4 seems like alot of "free" work. I'm also on AIG watching the issues with v4 AI civ models, which will be a similar hurdle for the MAIW modelers.
Along the discussion lines of converting, my short story from last night...

I had just installed MyTraffic Professional 6.0a and used the xml method to install into P3D, including deleting the list of offending FS9 planes. Since I also had installed the Orbx Germany region, I wanted to check out the Ramstein ramp. My friends, I can tell you with great certainty, that it was beautiful. Lots of C-5s, C-17s and a smattering of various attack and fighter variants, spectacular! Took off in my Milviz F-4E and got so excited seeing all of this new found beauty, that I wanted to immediately check out the ramp at McChord (KTCM). I opted to load a new scenario and .....CTD. Tried to open again.....CTD.

So, I need go back and review the list of FS9 planes in the MyTraffic library, try to find any residual offenders. Off topic a bit, but I too love the immersion of military airfields and MCChord, though not represented well in Orbx and worse in FSX/P3D, is my favorite field. I plan to play with some of the MAIW stuff this weekend and see if I can be a contributor to the fix for once.

I did also note MAIW does have a few P3Dv4 friendly airfields, about 4 if I recall, but hopefully growing.