MAIW JASDF Nyutabaru Air Base


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23Jul11 - New Package: JASDF Nyutabaru ABMilitary AI Works is proud to release Nyutabaru Air Base by Desmond Burrell.Nyutabaru AB hosts the school house units (23 Hikotai and 301 Hikotai) for new F-15J/DJ and F-4EJ pilots in the Japanese Air Defense Force (JASDF) and the JASDF aggressor unit (Hiko Kyodotai). Our newest package features three brand new AI models by Kevin Reed, Nick Black and Michael MacIntyre in the form of the F-15DJ, the F-15J Kai and the F-4EJ.The F-15 models are brand new build models from Kevin Reed and Michael MacIntyre and feature new animations that have not been used on our AI models previous to this. In addition this package features upgraded scenery for Nyutabaru Air Base by Tony Dalton including a static F-4EJ Phantom gate guard model that greets visitors to the base.As with all of our packages, custom made flight plans, voicepack callsigns and AFD files are all included with this release. Make sure to check out the colorful Japanese F-15 aggressor paint schemes for some unusual looking AI models!
It's great news! I have been hoping for MAIW to create the JASDF packages for a long time, because I know that they can do it justice. I hope that it will lead to more!

Thank you to MAIW for creating this package! :salute:
Thanks for the HU, and for the screens, Mike.
Plenty of Eagles there, just the ticket.

Be great to see some Komatsu traffic, too...there is some quite good scenery already.
Job Well Done...

I do like the animations.
You just sit there and gawp for a while, tracking AI.
Pennants drifting in the wind, good pilot and lights...intakes down, afterburner on for takeoff, up and off in the cruise.


A big gold star, MAIW.
Quite right, I'd expect nothing less!
Impetuous youth kept me from waiting for the return, :running: I just had to fly off into the distance with them, y'see...
You also have to give a lot of credit and recognition to Michael MacIntyre for the way he is able to make these AI fighters behave themselves, the flight dynamics portion of the model which is the combination of the Aircraft.cfg file and the .AIR file.

Think back to the first AI models, how they lifted off the runway with a very hard pull up, only to pitch back down and enter a series of dynamic pitch oscillations until they settled into a climb. Note how smoothly the F-15J's and DJ's lift off from the runway and climb away.

Another thing that Mike did with the original NBAI F-15 models was to accurately recreate the aerodynamic braking technique used by Eagle drivers to slow the aircraft on landing by riding a "wheely" down the runway until the wings can no longer support the aircraft up on its main gear legs. These new Eagle models are a further refinement of that behavior and look great as they land.

That's not easy to replicate and takes quite a bit of work on his part.

BTW, I still can't believe people haven't noticed the new animations being used on these DJ and J model Eagles. Very subtle but very noticeable once you see it.
Yes they do fly and land convincingly.


Interesting that the leader decided to go around in the multi-ship arrival!
No drive-through parking here...ah well otherwise it's just about perfect.
Certainly the models stack up extremely well against the excellent Coral stalwart.

...BTW, I still can't believe people haven't noticed the new animations being used on these DJ and J model Eagles. Very subtle but very noticeable once you see it.
Including present company? if so, let's have the list so we can go looking...
Correct. What you pointed out are all animations that have been used for quite some time. It's just a matter of whether the modeler chooses to use them on the model or not.

A keen eye is required to notice this new wrinkle...... :mixedsmi: