We have released the fixed version of the Lemoore package with several needed changes. If you installed V1, you should delete the contents and replace them with V2. There are many ways to do this, if you have any questions on how to do this, just ask for help.
We must also apologize to Marcel Ritzema for neglecting to properly recognize and credit his work that we made use of in the Lemoore scenery. The following message appears at the MAIW homepage:
Military AI Works would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to scenery designer Marcel Ritzema. Marcel was kind enough to allow us to make use of a scenery component that he created in both the original NAS Lemoore scenery as well as the updated version of the scenery which are now part of these new packages. Unfortunately due to a breakdown in communication between MAIW team members, we neglected to properly credit Marcel for the use of his scenery in both the original scenery release and V1 of the Lemoore Hornets package. Military AI Works takes copywrites and author credits very seriously and we are incredibly embarrassed about our oversight. We offer Marcel our complete and sincerest apologies and he has been kind enough to contiue to allow us to use his objects with proper credits given. We have now assured that this will not happen again and hope that we can continue our good relationships with all of our third party contributors.
Once again Marcel, we are very sorry for our oversight. We thank you for your forgiveness in this matter.
Mike Guenthner
MAIW Staff