MajorM help me please Ankor Shaders


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Must be getting old... :dizzy:searched the threads above and did not see this message - I installed the new package (shaders30, the directx ini, suneffect) and the effects dds. When I start the sim I get the message

Combat Flight Simulator Assertion Failed

Module:"graphics", File: shader (1293): Cannot find default shader "Normal"

any ideas

Nvidia GTX 770
i7 CPU
Asus board
That looks like the first entry in the shaders.xml file. Have you made any changes there?

Also, at the bottom of d3d8.ini you can set WriteLog=1, and it may give you more indication of what's going wrong.
Must be getting old... :dizzy:searched the threads above and did not see this message - I installed the new package (shaders30, the directx ini, suneffect) and the effects dds. When I start the sim I get the message

Combat Flight Simulator Assertion Failed

Module:"graphics", File: shader (1293): Cannot find default shader "Normal"

any ideas

Nvidia GTX 770
i7 CPU
Asus board

did you re-run config.exe?
Woe is me

I have tried it in my base CFS3 and it worked (received the error message but launched - once) did everything in the install but no joy... below is the log, seems all is ok to me

0.00: DllMain - Starting up.
10.99: D3DWrapper::GetAdapterDisplayMode - 1920, 1080, 60, 22
10.99: D3DWrapper::GetAdapterDisplayMode - 1920, 1080, 60, 22
10.99: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (Driver Version:
10.99: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - Hardware Vertex Processing
10.99: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - Adapter: 0, Type: 1, Flags: 0x42
10.99: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - Windowed: 0, Width: 1920, Height: 1080, Refresh: 0, Format: 22, Multisampling: 0
10.99: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - AutoDepthStencilFormat: 75
10.99: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - SwapEffect: 1, PresentationInterval: 0
11.14: FakeDevice::FakeDevice - Available Texture Memory 4072 MB
11.14: FakeDevice::FakeDevice - cfs3.exe version:
11.14: FakeDevice::FakeDevice - Patching external FOV: 30 (0.523599)
11.14: FakeDevice::FakeDevice - Patching visibility culling.
11.14: EffectBase::CheckShaderCache
11.14: VirtualCockpit::EnableEnhancements - Patching cockpit view.
11.14: VirtualCockpit::EnableEnhancements - Zoom Settings: 0.800000 1.250000 10.000000
11.14: VirtualCockpit::EnableEnhancements - Mouse Look Speed: 1.000000
11.14: LightArray::ApplyPatch - Patching maximum dynamic light count.
11.14: DrawRecorder::DrawRecorder - Starting worker threads.
11.14: WorkerThread::WorkerThread - Number of Processors: 8
11.19: ModelBuffer::Init - SSE4.1 is available
11.19: ModelBuffer::CreateBuffers - Capacity = 600000
11.20: ModelBuffer::Init - Available Texture Memory 4050 MB
11.20: Models::OnInit - Shadow Map Size: 2048, Filter: On
11.20: Models::OnInit - Available Texture Memory 4002 MB
11.20: DrawRecorder::Init - Scenery Shadow Map Size: 8192
11.20: DrawRecorder::Init - Terrain Shadow Map Size: 2048
11.20: DrawRecorder::Init - Available Texture Memory 3890 MB
11.20: DrawRecorder::StartCompileShaders
11.20: CompileShaders - Starting.
11.21: CompileShaders - Finished.
11.58: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: Texture.fx
11.58: TextureManager::Init - Loading TextureMagic.ini
17.08: DrawRecorder::LoadShaders
17.08: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: Generic.fx
17.09: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: GroundShadow.fx
17.09: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: SeaWater.fx
17.11: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: Scenery.fx
17.14: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: Terrain.fx
17.22: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: Clouds.fx
17.23: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: Skybox.fx
17.24: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: Models.fx
17.28: EffectBase::CreateEffect - Loading: RenderShadows.fx
17.28: DrawRecorder::LogStats - T:0.2 (0.0 0) MD:0 (0.00) SC:0 TE:0 CL:0 (0;0) SP:0 SH:0 UI:0 Oth:0 LT:0
17.32: DrawCalls buffer resized to 1024
17.32: GeometryBuffer::populateBuffers - Resize Vertex Buffer FVF = 0x1C4, Size = 32768
Everything so far is as it should be for a successful start-up. The next few lines to get to the User Interface should look like:

13.33: WaterBuffer::AddIndexed - Realloc Vertex Capacity: 16384
13.33: WaterBuffer::AddIndexed - Realloc Index Capacity: 16384
13.34: ModelDrawData buffer resized to 512
13.36: GeometryBuffer::populateBuffers - Resize Vertex Buffer FVF = 0x142, Size = 524288
13.36: GeometryBuffer::populateBuffers - Resize Index Buffer FVF = 0x142, Size = 16384
13.36: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #1: 512 x 512
13.39: WaterBuffer::populateBuffers - Water Vertex Buffer, Capacity = 16384
13.39: WaterBuffer::populateBuffers - Water Index Buffer, Capacity = 16384
13.39: GeometryBuffer::populateBuffers - Resize Vertex Buffer FVF = 0x102, Size = 32768
13.40: GeometryBuffer::populateBuffers - Resize Index Buffer FVF = 0x102, Size = 16384
14.14: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #2: 512 x 512
14.22: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #3: 512 x 512
14.33: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #4: 512 x 512
14.44: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #5: 512 x 512
14.56: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #6: 512 x 512
14.67: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #7: 512 x 512
14.74: Clouds buffer resized to 512
14.78: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #8: 512 x 512
14.89: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #9: 512 x 512
15.03: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #10: 512 x 512
15.15: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #11: 512 x 512
15.28: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #12: 512 x 512
15.54: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #13: 512 x 512
15.64: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #14: 512 x 512
15.90: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #15: 512 x 512
16.02: SeaWater::SetupNormals - Normal Map #16: 512 x 512

As you can see, there are no more shader files being loaded. Are you also running SweetFX / Reshade / Freestyle or some other post process shader package that might have a shader called "Normal"?

The other possibility is that it can't find the water files (h2od_01 through h2od_16) to load, but that comes a little later in the sequence.
At the bottom of shaders.xml there as section related to water rendering.

<Water Desc="Water texture effect"
Lighting="False" SpecularEnable="False"
SrcBlend="SrcAlpha" DestBlend="InvSrcAlpha"
ZEnable="True" ZFunc="LessEqual" ZWriteEnable="False" ZBias="0" FogEnable="True"
AlphaBlendEnable="True" AlphaTestEnable="True" AlphaRef="4" MultiSample="True"
TexCoordIndex0="0" TexTransformFlags0="Count2"
ColorArg10="Texture" ColorOp0="Modulate" ColorArg20="TFactor"
MinFilter0="Linear" MagFilter0="Linear" AddressU0="Wrap" AddressV0="Wrap" Texture0="0"
TexCoordIndex1="0" TexTransformFlags1="Count2"
ColorArg11="Texture" ColorOp1="BlendTextureAlpha" ColorArg21="Current"
MinFilter1="Linear" MagFilter1="Linear" AddressU1="Wrap" AddressV1="Wrap" Texture1="1"
<WaterReflectionA Desc="Water reflection texture effect A"
Lighting="False" SpecularEnable="False"
SrcBlend="SrcAlpha" DestBlend="InvSrcAlpha"
ZEnable="True" ZFunc="LessEqual" ZWriteEnable="False" ZBias="0" FogEnable="True"
AlphaBlendEnable="True" AlphaTestEnable="True" AlphaRef="4" MultiSample="True"
TexCoordIndex0="0" TexTransformFlags0="Count2"
ColorArg10="Texture" ColorOp0="Modulate" ColorArg20="TFactor"
AlphaArg10="Texture" AlphaOp0="SelectArg1" AlphaArg20="TFactor"
MinFilter0="Linear" MagFilter0="Linear" AddressU0="Clamp" AddressV0="Clamp" Texture0="0"
<WaterReflectionB Desc="Water reflection texture effect B"
Lighting="False" SpecularEnable="False"
SrcBlend="SrcAlpha" DestBlend="InvSrcAlpha"
ZEnable="True" ZFunc="LessEqual" ZWriteEnable="False" ZBias="0" FogEnable="True"
AlphaBlendEnable="True" AlphaTestEnable="True" AlphaRef="4" MultiSample="True"
TexCoordIndex0="0" TexTransformFlags0="Count2"
ColorArg10="Texture" ColorOp0="Modulate" ColorArg20="TFactor"
AlphaArg10="Texture" AlphaOp0="Modulate" AlphaArg20="TFactor"
MinFilter0="Linear" MagFilter0="Linear" AddressU0="Clamp" AddressV0="Clamp" Texture0="0"
<Shore Desc="Shoreline texture effect"
Lighting="False" SpecularEnable="False"
SrcBlend="SrcAlpha" DestBlend="InvSrcAlpha"
ZEnable="True" ZFunc="LessEqual" ZWriteEnable="False" ZBias="0" FogEnable="True"
AlphaBlendEnable="True" AlphaTestEnable="True" AlphaRef="4" MultiSample="True"
ColorArg10="Texture" ColorOp0="Modulate" ColorArg20="TFactor"
AlphaArg10="Texture" AlphaOp0="Modulate" AlphaArg20="TFactor"
MinFilter0="Linear" MagFilter0="Linear" AddressU0="Wrap" AddressV0="Wrap" Texture0="0"

A long time ago AnKor's shaders needed these to be set a particular way (as above), but I think he did away with even looking at these anymore.
Hi Nachtpiloten, MajorMagee,

I too am getting the message, just like Nachtpiloten last year:

" Combat Flight Simulator Assertion Failed

Module:"graphics", File: shader (1293): Cannot find default shader "Normal" "

So is this a problem with the shaders.xml? What was the fix?
Must be getting old... :dizzy:searched the threads above and did not see this message - I installed the new package (shaders30, the directx ini, suneffect) and the effects dds. When I start the sim I get the message

Combat Flight Simulator Assertion Failed

Module:"graphics", File: shader (1293): Cannot find default shader "Normal"

any ideas

Nvidia GTX 770
i7 CPU
Asus board

Hi Nachtpiloten,

Well the answer turns out to be quite simple. A few spurious characters sometimes pop up in line 2 of the shaders.xml file, when edited in an xml editor like XML Wrench. The tricky thing is that you cannot see these characters in Notepad!! Completely invisible. As soon as you can see and delete the spurious characters, your file will work properly.

It's caught me out quite a few times over the years, in various xml files (effects, country,shaders, etc etc).
