Make aircraft available


Charter Member
In Pat Pattle's BOB, I see several aircraft among the files in the Aircraft folder like P-51b and d which do not show up in the list of available planes in the game.
What determines whether a plane will be available for flying in the sim?

Don't want to change BOB history; just got curious as to why I couldn't see them in the dropdown.

Some models reference others for texture files - instrument graphics for example. This saves a modeler reinventing the wheel for each model. The model folders referenced are included with the installation but the model files themselves may have been removed to avoid rewriting military history.

Hope this helps.
There's a switch in the aircrafts air file which controls the availability of the aircraft ie. whether they are player-flyable, ai only or not available (you can still choose them through the MB though).

If you want to add any of the stock a/c into the BoB install just copy and paste them from your vanilla cfs3. :)