Making A Facility


Charter Member
Could somebody please refresh my memory and tell me how to make a facility and how place it so that it shows near a specific location like an airfield? Would be much appreciated.:icon29:
Hi Foo Fighter,

Glad to see you back! I think there was a tutorial on making a static facility on Groundcrew Design Corps old site.

I've got it saved on my hard drive so if you send me your e-mail, I'll send it to you tonight or tomorrow. It's pretty straight foreward

You'll need the CFS3SDK from Microsoft. It includes all the tools needed

Hope I can be of some help!

Hi Barry, nice to see you posting again. :)

Do you want to add the facility permanently into your install? Martin Wrights Scenedb proggy is very useful. in the beta programmes section.

Basically you make a .cfg file in notepad that contains the location co-ords etc. and then the proggy reads it and installs it into the global layer (and qclocations if its an airfield)


Ahh, the SDK, how could I have forgotten about that? After going through the SDK and Mission Editor I managed to make a facility.:jump: It was so easy, thanks Grover!:icon29:

Copy that Clive and thanks. I had forgotten about that too! As I recall, I couldn't install carriers that way in DPC's Korean Skies (nor any other way). I'll have another look at it and give it another go with the facility. How do you find the coordinates to put it near a specific airbase?

The facility is for KTO and I tried adding it into the Korea_gsl with the tool from the SDK. I replaced military_radar_1 near K-10 (Chinhae) that was already in the gsl with my facility. Instead of the radar showing up in essentially a crater in the middle of a mountain (which is why I wanted to replace it), now only a normal mountain appears without my facility.
Ahh, the SDK, how could I have forgotten about that? After going through the SDK and Mission Editor I managed to make a facility.:jump: It was so easy, thanks Grover!:icon29:

Copy that Clive and thanks. I had forgotten about that too! As I recall, I couldn't install carriers that way in DPC's Korean Skies (nor any other way). I'll have another look at it and give it another go with the facility. How do you find the coordinates to put it near a specific airbase?

The facility is for KTO and I tried adding it into the Korea_gsl with the tool from the SDK. I replaced military_radar_1 near K-10 (Chinhae) that was already in the gsl with my facility. Instead of the radar showing up in essentially a crater in the middle of a mountain (which is why I wanted to replace it), now only a normal mountain appears without my facility.

Hi Foo fighter,

not sure if you mean you've sorted the problem or not?

The make_gsl tool in the Terraiin SDK is great but of course it is trickier when using it for a different theatre because you have to install the requisite theatre-specific terrain information about bridges, hydr_lines (from memory) into the folder in the SDK so as to generate the correct .lib file. otherwise the gsl.lib you create will be for the default European theatre.

Once you have the facility in the right place in the global_layer.csv file, experiment with lock_Alt column, whether to use Y or N. This might help the facility to locate properly on top of the mountain rather than burrowing into it. Otherwise you could put in a specific altitude and lock the altitude inthe csv file, it will take a bit of fiddling to stop either creating a big hole or a platform on the mountain I suspect.

Thanks for the help it is much appreciated.

I've been fooling with this for hours and just can't get the blasted thing to work. The Scenery Data Base Tool adds it into the qc_locations but not the global_layer. IMO the SBDT is causing more issues than without. I started from scratch with the default global layer files multiple times and adjusted the angle and elevation, still no joy. I remember running into similar problems ages ago when I tried to add carriers into KTO without success. The info you mentioned D about the correct theater terrain is probably the culprit.

I've also discovered that the mosaic editor isn't working either on my W7 system (I seem to remember that too).
Barry, scroll down to the bottom of your global_layer.csv file - some addons added or have an unnecessary entry below the last facility line. If you have this then delete it and try again.

The mosaic editor requires the net framework thingy to be installed, the W7 boys should be able to point you in the right direction.
Checked that too Clive, still no dice. The SceneDB seems to be working OK now, I probably wasn't using it correctly before. The facility is not an airfield and the SDK indicates that such things be tagged as 0 for qc_locations. I changed it to 1 (for airfields) and the SceneDB added it to both the global_layer CSV and qc_locations without issues. Now, the facility still doesn't show up but it is selectable in the in-game airfield menu. I start square over Chinhae but my facility is non-existant. A little progress but still very frustrating. I could maybe add the facility to lets say airbase_single_2 so I could at least work on it until I get this sorted.
Checked that too Clive, still no dice. The SceneDB seems to be working OK now, I probably wasn't using it correctly before. The facility is not an airfield and the SDK indicates that such things be tagged as 0 for qc_locations. I changed it to 1 (for airfields) and the SceneDB added it to both the global_layer CSV and qc_locations without issues. Now, the facility still doesn't show up but it is selectable in the in-game airfield menu. I start square over Chinhae but my facility is non-existant. A little progress but still very frustrating. I could maybe add the facility to lets say airbase_single_2 so I could at least work on it until I get this sorted.​

Can you send me the files to have a look at please Barry.