Making a Ground_Marker_Green__250lb_internal


We have an AvHistory_gb_Flare_Ground_Marker_Red__250lb_internal but I want Ground_Marker_Green__250lb_internal.
I note that I will have to change all the Ground_Marker_Red effects to Ground_Marker_Green effects; a lot; but I assume really all I have to change in the new effects is the colour.
InitialColor="500 50 20" InitialAlpha="255" Color="500 50 20" Alpha="255" FadeOutTime="5" FinalColor="500 50 20" FinalAlpha="255"
would become
InitialColor="600 200 40" InitialAlpha="255" Color="600 200 40" Alpha="255" FadeOutTime="9" FinalColor="600 200 40" FinalAlpha="255"

Seem correct? The fadeout time; I assume 9>5 re time?

The red effects are
ExplodeEffect="fx_ground_marker_red" GroundEffect="fx_ground_marker_red"
and all the sub effects lines, of which there are many.

I see no dds files in the AvHistory_gb_Flare_Ground_Marker_Red__250lb_internal m3d file so I assume just a name change required?