Making a railway line terminating at an airbase


Does anyone have ideas on this question?

Me to Frosty

"Have you ever tried to add train lines to airbases? I know Deelen and Venlo at least had lines running to the base fro ammo and fuel."

Frosty tio me

"No, I haven't done that yet.
If I read through the SDKs, it shouldn't be very difficult. The only thing is that it describes railways running over a facility, not terminating there. So I don't know if it is possible to have a terminus on your airfield that connects to the global scenery railway vectors..."

I have never tried to deal with railway lines so I wonder if anyone here has tried to do this or something similar.
Hi James, IIRC some of the railway lines in rail marshalling yards terminate in the facility.

Here are some lines from a stock large rail marshalling yard:

<Route Name="railroad" Type="snap">
<Point Position="-190.00 0.02"/>
<Point Position="190.00 -0.05"/>
<Point Position="195.39 0.54"/>

<Route Name="railroad" Type="NoType">
<Point Position="172.76 -0.04"/>
<Point Position="152.33 4.12"/>
<Point Position="134.58 12.47"/>
<Point Position="114.23 22.38"/>
<Point Position="93.88 28.83"/>
<Point Position="65.70 34.45"/>
<Point Position="-48.16 34.45"/>
<Point Position="-76.76 27.76"/>
<Point Position="-106.09 13.40"/>
<Point Position="-126.50 4.68"/>
<Point Position="-148.19 0.02"/>

Presumably the rail line with type="snap" joins up to an existing rail line; and the other route is just a dead end.

I suggest you take a look at one of the rail marshalling yard facilities, using Richard Eikland's Mission and Facility editor.
So I don't seem to find the relevant SDK for doing rail lines and finding/joining them to existing main lines.
Well I would just locate one end of the "railroad" route, in the airbase facility file, as close as possible to the adjacent railroad vector. The term "snap" presumably makes sure the route and the vector will connect. (as for invasion defenses, which "snap" to the shoreline)
So I don't seem to find the relevant SDK for doing rail lines and finding/joining them to existing main lines.

It's in the Aircraft & Vehicle SDK, aircraft modeling document, page 16, under the header "Special Objects in Facilities":

"railroad This is a two point spline that will draw and act like a railroad. It should stretch the entire width of the facility. This will also cause the Railyard to be placed along an exsisting railroad in the area. The properties for railroad should have a entry that says: type=snap"
Thanks Joost. I assume all that will be done on my gmax for the airbase and it's eventual facility file? I did road splines before but right now I have forgotten how I did it! I'll have to check that out.