Making it shine


Staff member
There was an older program used a lot with FS9 models to increase or decrease the the amount of "shine" in the model. The name Ivan Hsu keeps ringing a bell in me ol' brain associated with it. Any idea on it and where to find it?

I've got a flying boat I'm getting a start on reworking and from what I can figure, there's no shine at all for the textures in the model. No reflectivity at all. Hard to do bare metal without something for the alpha to work with. Nigel could do it, but I'm not that good at it.

Thanks in advance

There was an older program used a lot with FS9 models to increase or decrease the the amount of "shine" in the model. The name Ivan Hsu keeps ringing a bell in me ol' brain associated with it. Any idea on it and where to find it?

I've got a flying boat I'm getting a start on reworking and from what I can figure, there's no shine at all for the textures in the model. No reflectivity at all. Hard to do bare metal without something for the alpha to work with. Nigel could do it, but I'm not that good at it.

Thanks in advance


Hmmmm...not so sure, Willy - do you mean a reflection map has not been applied to the model itself?

Without access to the model scource file, I don't know how this could be acheived...

Arno's ModelConverterX maybe?
Ivan's program was called Shine and it was a DOS program.

Jeff Delhaye reworked it with a Windows graphic interface and called it Shiny.

Shiney is a Win XP program and won't run in any OS since XP.

If you have Win7Pro with Virtual XP, it will run in that. I have no idea whether Win8 or Win10 have Virtual XP.

You can find Shiny in the library here. At least you should be able to. If not, I can send you a copy.

If you can't run it and need a model made reflective, I could do that for you.

Sometimes when you make a model reflective with Shiny, the VC plane also becomes reflective, ruining the VC. It doesn't happen on all models, just some of them. That can be fixed but not by me. I have a set of instructions from JT Tinballs that explain how to do it, but it's far beyond my comprehension. When it happens to me I have to get someone else to fix the VC for me.

Sometimes it's not as "easy" as the instructions may suggest, but apparently it can be done even when it's not so straightforward (whatever that means - it's all far beyond my ken.). Note the comments in the thread about Allen's F-94.

Send me a PM with your e-address if you want a copy of Shiny and the instructions for fixing VCs.
What I'm mucking about with now is George Diemer's Sikorsky S43. I'm missing the old Bill Lyons one in FSX and figured I see what I could do with Diemer's which other than (IMHO) needing some appearance upgrades is excellantly modeled and works fine in FSX.

With Diemer's the front of the propblades is shiny (too shiny, but toneing down the alphas would take care of that), but nothing else. A little shine and some weathering would make a world of difference with it.

I've opened it up with Model Converter X, but I'm still trying to sort it out and I'm not sure if "shine" can be done with that program.


Mick, check your PMs