There was an older program used a lot with FS9 models to increase or decrease the the amount of "shine" in the model. The name Ivan Hsu keeps ringing a bell in me ol' brain associated with it. Any idea on it and where to find it?
I've got a flying boat I'm getting a start on reworking and from what I can figure, there's no shine at all for the textures in the model. No reflectivity at all. Hard to do bare metal without something for the alpha to work with. Nigel could do it, but I'm not that good at it.
Thanks in advance
I've got a flying boat I'm getting a start on reworking and from what I can figure, there's no shine at all for the textures in the model. No reflectivity at all. Hard to do bare metal without something for the alpha to work with. Nigel could do it, but I'm not that good at it.
Thanks in advance