well, a bit more experienced user can edit / adapt the current game pack plug-in gmax settings as he wish for his own usage, but the common user, which would like to try the CFS3 add-on creation, will just download and run the CFS3 SDK installator (
avsdk15.msi), which will just put all the needed stuff into the gMax modeler folder, usual path example: c:\gmax\gamepacks\CFS3.
the gMax modeler must be installed before, of course
aside the "physical" file placement the installator will create shortcut items to the needed stuff into your Program Files group, if I good remember.
the only thing what the user then needs to do is to run the discreet gmax CFS3 Game Pack .lnk file (the shortcut). this way the CFS3 needed plugin will be available for the mesh export. now the user can open or create some gmax mesh and he can try to export it into the game. more about this can say the SDK documentation.
The CFS3 Aircraft and Vehicle SDK contains:
* discreet gmax plugin for exporting CFS3 .M3D aircraft model files
* reference documentation on creating working CFS3 models, aerodynamic configuration files and damage profiles
* ImageTool for converting images to different formats
* 2 sample gmax aircraft (the P-47D-25 and the Ju-88A-4) and 2 sample gmax vehicles (the American M16 halftrack and a German Destroyer).