Making special effects such as dropping bombs


Charter Member
Hi have just created a bomb dropping effect,but when I drop the bombs they fall standing up it looks wierd,I would like them to fall sideways like a normal bombs drop,and they drop at a front angle of the plane instead of straight down,how would I tweak this in the effect file.Thanks:salute:
Not knowing exactly how you implemented this, but you may look at Particle attributes Face and Rotation.
OK,Milton heres a pic the bombs are better rotated not perfect,but there coming out in front of the plane,I also would like them to come out of the bomb compartment, still,what needs to be tweaked.Thanks View attachment 16489
You position the effect initially using the Emitter Offsets (from the engines):

X Offset=0.00, 0.00
Y Offset=0.00, 0.00
Z Offset=0.00, 0.00

The distance that the emitter is offset from its point of origin in the X, Y, and Z directions.

Then you need to set Drag to have the bombs drop and move rearward from wing drag.

Drag=0.00, 0.00 Drag defines the effect of wind and gravity on the particles. Negative numbers impart more drag. For positive numbers, don’t use a value greater than 1.00.

EDIT: Do you have the Effects SDK?
Hi milton. I apologize I am away from my computer, untill this weekend,but I"ll post again when I get home,and tell you how it turned out.Thanks for the info.Which emmiter line are you talking about all of them or just the first line.Thanks for the info:applause:PS. yes I downloaded and read the effects sdk.So what are the X Y Z which ones do I change to move the bombs to the the bomb bays,and have them shoot downward not foward?
This will not work at all :(
If you turn your view from the Sideview to the Frontview of the Aircraft, then your Bombes will fly across your Flightheading ;)
Sorry but I can't help since I tried almost the same thing like you. (with Flares)
The thing is, the Effect Engine of FS9 turns the Effect bmp's "with" the View.
I does no matter from wich Side you look, you always see your Bombes from the Side.
As fare as I know....there is no work around to fix that!
Thanks,Isra,I guess I could live with that,even watching the bombs drop from the side of the plane is better than nothing I would just like to get it to look like it"s coming from the bomb bay I am not real good at the X,Y,Z, coordinates.BTW How"s your mirage coming along?:icon_lol:
My understanding from the FACE parameter using 0,0,0 is that the effect face remains static.

Here is what the SDK says:

Face=1, 1, 1 The direction that the particles face. Pitch, bank, and heading are the constraints for the particles’ facing movement. These are on/off switches because the particles either move in the corresponding direction, or they do not.
To have the particles face you, use 1,1,1. If one of the values is 0, then the particles will be constrained in the corresponding axis. To have the particles remain perpendicular to the ground but still turn and face you, use 0,0,1.

If that is the case, then you would only see the full effect from one direction as the effect is simply a display of the bmp. If you used two emitters and had the face show on the opposite side, that might work.
Thanks Milton, I will give it a try again this weekend,and I can send you the files ,if you have time to look at them.Thanks
OK,Milton heres a pic the bombs are better rotated not perfect,but there coming out in front of the plane,I also would like them to come out of the bomb compartment, still,what needs to be tweaked.Thanks View attachment 16489


have you perchance modified a gun effect? That would count for the projectile bombs. If you can find a dropping effect, say a para or cargo drop effect, that may prove a better starting point. I seem to remember a para effect with the MAAM C47, so there may be others out there.

Hey,J if you can link me to some dropping,effects,when you have the time, I can mess around with coords,and put it together I think I have figured somethings out on this effect,but I"m not going to be home until this weekend, then I will try them out.I will also send you the effect files if successful.:jump:
do a search on FlightSim for, some interesting stuff included, plus probably a very nice plane too boot, I know I'm downloading it.

FS2004 Fairchild C-123 K Provider. Version 3 of the legendary transport - veteran of Vietnam war well known from cinema "Air America". The new version features a completely changed visual model with animation of the pilots and animation unloading of cargo. Includes complete VC with working levers and animated gauges, high dpi, completely animated co-pilot. Includes three textures--Air America, FAV, USAF (camo). Includes four custom effects--drop of cargo box, drop of pigs with the parachute, start of engines and effect of dust at motion on ground airfields. By Vladimir Zhyhulskiy.

PIGS!!? That should be interesting, lol.


PS. Found more,

Name: Size: 94,774 Date: 04-19-2002 Downloads: 6,044
FS2002 Napalm Bomb Effects. This effect simulates a napalm bomb dropping then exploding. There are three different parts to it: the falling bomb; the explosion; the smoke after the explosion. It can be attached to any aircraft you desire. By Chris Trotter.

Might work (see no reason why not.)


Name: Size: 402,384 Date: 04-12-2006 Downloads: 366
FS2004 Douglas SBD-2 Dauntless VS-2; green camo. This repaint of Paul Clawson's Douglas SBD-1 Dauntless depicts the experimental green pre-war camouflage scheme tested by the Lexington Air Group's Scouting Squadron Two before the adoption of the blue-gray camouflage we know so well. A new panel background is included that will show the appropriate color on the external surfaces of the plane visible through the windscreen. Also included is a bomb explosion effect and its aircraft.cfg file entry that allow bombs to be dropped from the SBD or any dive bomber. Textures only; requires SBD3.ZIP. By Mick Morrissey.
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds
FS2004 Douglas SBD-2 Dauntless VB-2
[ Download | View ]

Name: Size: 1,345,083 Date: 04-12-2006 Downloads: 498
FS2004 Douglas SBD-2 Dauntless VB-2 Pre-War 6-Pack. Six repaints of Paul Clawson's Douglas SBD-1 Dauntless in the pre-war, pre-camouflage colors of the six section leaders (red, white, blue, black, green, yellow) of the Lexington Air Group's Bombing Squadron Two, the only Navy squadron to receive the SBD before the adoption of camouflage. A new panel background is included that will show the appropriate colors on the external surfaces of the plane visible through the windscreen. Also included is a bomb explosion effect and its aircraft.cfg file entry that allow bombs to be dropped from the SBD or any dive bomber. Textures only; requires SBD3.ZIP. By Mick Morrissey.
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds
FS2004 Douglas SBD-1 Dauntless USMC
[ Download | View ]

Name: Size: 1,307,765 Date: 04-12-2006 Downloads: 640
FS2004 Douglas SBD-1 Dauntless USMC Pre-War 6-Pack. Six repaints of Paul Clawson's Douglas SBD-1 Dauntless in the pre-war, pre-camouflage colors of the six section leaders (red, white, blue, black, green, yellow) of the two Marine Bombing Squadrons to operate the SBD before the adoption of camouflage. VMB-1 and VMB-2 are each represented by three planes. A new panel background is included that will show the appropriate colors on the external surfaces of the plane visible through the windscreen. Also included is a bomb explosion effect and its aircraft.cfg file entry that allow bombs to be dropped from the SBD or any dive bomber. Textures only; requires SBD3.ZIP. By Mick Morrissey.
Thanks,J That's very kind of you.Yeah I also found ,FS2004 Fairchild C-123 K Provider. Version 3 it looks very cool.I will let you know how things are going. TTFN:salute:
OK,I am still working on this,but,close to finishing it I still don't understand how to make my bomb.bmp lay on it's side,instead of standing up,also like to add sound effects I am trying to figure out if you can have delayed sound effects,so I can time the bomb dropping sounds.