Manfred Jahn C-47 Question


Staff member
Isn't the M. Jahn C-47 supposed to have a VC? The reason I ask is that the VC in mine is apparently missing (as in not there) and I can't figure out what would make the VC totally disappear.
Hi Willy

Manfred Jahn's C47 should have a VC. The current version uses the VC from the default DC3, while he is currently working on an upgrade/revision of his model for which he has/will be creating his own VC.

Can't think of anything which is causing the disapperance of the VC. I'm at work now, will take an additional look when I come home.


edit: I checked, but according to what I see in my FS9 install, the file should contain all required files for the VC.
Check your model.cfg file - it should have an entry for the VC model. If he only aliases the default DC-3 VC model, then if you have moved or renamed your default DC-3 folder it may not be showing up.
Model.C47_1 model.cfg has:


Model.C47_2 model.cfg has:


No mention of a VC anywhere

I didn't know that FS9 could alias a VC. I thought that was a FSX only thing.
Model.C47_1 model.cfg has:


Model.C47_2 model.cfg has:


No mention of a VC anywhere

I didn't know that FS9 could alias a VC. I thought that was a FSX only thing.

It is a FSX only thing. I've just reloaded Manfred's Dak (been meaning to do it for a while) and, yes, it does have a VC; well, the RAF one (C47.1) does anyway, see no reason why the USAF would be different. Worth a fresh download Willy?
Willy, the MJ C-47/DC-3 for FS9 does come with a complete VC, although I believe it's the stock DC-3 VC "redone". I have several repaints that uitilize both model files, all with VCs.
Just a thought,do you still have the default DC3 installed, have you renamed it (folder/mdl/etc) if you do? I'm wondering if the VC is aliased via the model itself, a bit like the Captain Sim C130, you need the base model for the VC to show in the expansions. Whilst the expansions will work standalone, they would be without a VC if you don't have the base model. This is only my understanding of what I've read as I have the base and all exp packs of the Herc. I always presumed it was some clever coding in the model as I didn't see another way they could do that.Jamie
If it was me I'd check to see if somehow your viewpoint got messed up so you are no longer sitting in the cockpit. That's the only way I can think of that the vc would "disappear." I don't believe you need the stock DC3 for it to work, although you might need the stock gauge cab either in the C-47 panel folder or the main gauges folder.
Do you have the following two files in your '/panel' subdirectory?


They're the VC background. Nothing in the panel seems to be aliased to the default DC-3.

Darned if I know what it is. I pulled the whole C-47 folder out of FS and did a new install with just the two paints that come with it. Worked like a champ, had a VC. Went to installing the add on paints and my usual DC-3 mods that work just fine on the default and now it has no VC again. Apparently it doesn't like something I'm doing to it.
Darned if I know what it is. I pulled the whole C-47 folder out of FS and did a new install with just the two paints that come with it. Worked like a champ, had a VC. Went to installing the add on paints and my usual DC-3 mods that work just fine on the default and now it has no VC again. Apparently it doesn't like something I'm doing to it.

That suggests you have something wrong with one of the paints you're adding to the aircraft.cfg file.
You'll need to check all 'sim=', 'model=' and 'panel=' lines for entries there shouldn't be - or typos.

When you add your "usual DC3 mods" are you accidently changing the viewpoint? the default DC3 and Manfred's C-47 have totally different viewpoints. These are the entries I find in my config files.

eyepoint=12.75, -1.512, 3.217

// longitude/lateral/height
//eyepoint = -6.495, -1.512, 3.217 // initial version
//eyepoint = -6.495, -1.512, 1.650 // correct eyeheight, zero VIEW_DIR angle
eyepoint = -6.495, -1.512, 2.000 // keeping correct eyeheight, using VIEW_DIR 7 down

Add your repaints before your DC3 mods and see if the vc is still there. I'm thinking your mods are booting you out of the vc.
Pfflyers, that makes sense. I did try my default panel.cfg out in there. I'll do some testing and let you know how it went.
Yep! That fixed it! I use the Jay McDaniel flight model for the DC-3 and plugged it into the C-47 and while worrying about contact points, I didn't even stop to think of the view section.

Now to put the rest of the goodies into it.
When you see the solution it is always so simple.... anyhow glad you solved it Willy!
