Manfred Jahn's C-47... Low Oil Pressure?


Staff member

Been flying Manfred's C-47 for a bit, and have noticed that the Oil Pressure Gauge doesn't move any higher than 60 PSI, even at Cruise configuration (30.5/2150). By comparison, both the Default DC-3 and the DC-3 modeled for DC-3 Airways consistently run at 85-90 PSI at Cruise.

Anyone notice this, and has anyone figured out a fix? Any assistance would be much appreciated.


Alan klingon.gif

Been flying Manfred's C-47 for a bit, and have noticed that the Oil Pressure Gauge doesn't move any higher than 60 PSI, even at Cruise configuration (30.5/2150). By comparison, both the Default DC-3 and the DC-3 modeled for DC-3 Airways consistently run at 85-90 PSI at Cruise.

Anyone notice this, and has anyone figured out a fix? Any assistance would be much appreciated.


Alan View attachment 843

According to the .air file table 544 for the default DC3, the oil pressure limit is 60 psi. May be a gauge issue for the default DC3 as the pressure should not exceed the air file limit.

The entry in the default DC3 is Oil Pressure Limit * 144 (psi) = 8640 (8640 / 144 = 60 psi)

You can open the air file to check what the C-47 says.

EDIT: I do have the C-47 in FSX recently downloaded. It shows in table 544 a value of 10656 / 144 = 74 psi.
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Thanks so much for the reply! I'll have to take a look at the Gauge, because at 60 degrees C, the Gauge needle reads in the yellow, where 'normal' Temps are usually above!

The Gauge never moves past 60, so it's a minor issue I just won't worry about! :friendly_wink:

Alan klingon.gif
Alan, my apologies that I keep saying temps when I mean pressure. Corrected above post on my second cup of coffee. :)

I double checked my comments and the pressures are limited as I stated in my versions of the aircraft.

Check table 544 in the air file for any aircraft that your gauge reading is within the limits stated, otherwise the gauge is "adjusting" the readout.

EDIT: Regarding temps, the air file limit in table 543 is 700 Rankines or 240 degrees Farenheit/ 115 Celcius
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Well, it looks as if I've found a solution! I ended up swapping .air files with another DC-3 model that used the same Panel, and now the Oil Pressure is right in the middle of the green (OK) range of the Gauge, and the Temperature comes up nice and smooth.

As always, I look forward to your Comments, and thank you for your helpful answers!

Alan klingon.gif