Manfred's C-47 - Unable to set fuel & payload in P3D


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I am unable to set the fuel and payload for this plane using the Shift+2 popup. I can left click on "Total fuel" and "Total payload" and use repeated left clicks or the scroll wheel to cycle through the various options. However, I am unable to make a selected option stick. I understand that you're supposed to be able to do this by clicking the scroll wheel when your option is displayed. But this doesn't work for me. The setting always reverts to the default fuel and payload settings of 4799 lbs. and 3670 lbs., respectively.

I don't know whether the problem is with P3D, the plane, or my mouse. My mouse is a Logitech and is set for the scroll wheel to act as a button. And I don't use EZdok, which I understand can cause a conflict. But without some further input I can't figure out what might be the problem.

Does anyone have any idea what might be the problem and how it might be remedied?

I'm just trying to learn this plane and I'm loading it on the active runway for simplicity. I'm not sure what you're suggesting. Ought I be next to a fuel station to alter the fuel? Or is that a location where I ought not to be?
No no, you did it right.
Actually, the problem when you set your plane near to a fuel station, is that your fuel level gets set to 100% automatically, no matter what you choose in the fuel&payload options.

Since you are sitting on the active runway, your problem is obviously a different one. And I have no idea about a possible explanation, sorry :/
Thanks for the tip about how the fuel station works. I didn't know that.

I appear to have a workaround. These settings are replicated in P3D's built-in fuel and payload manager, so I can just use it to alter them and forget about the popup.

But I'd still like to know whether my problem using the popup is with the plane's P3D compatibility, the plane itself, or my mouse.

BTW, I just want to be clear that I know the manual says you need to have the Parking Brakes set for the popup fuel and payload manager to work. So failing to set the brakes is not the cause of this problem.
Здравствуйте уважаемые пользователи! Недавно я установил самолет C-47. Самолет отличный но у меня с ним возникла проблема. Не получается перекачать топливо из запасных баков в основные. Почему так происходит не могу понять. Что это может быть подскажите кто знает. У меня установлен FSX Gold Edition. Только я разгон не стал устанавливать поэтому у меня сейчас просто FSX без разгона. Извините за беспокойство заранее спасибо.
Кешіріңіз Basler, бірақ мен кез келген жерде орыс немесе қазақ тілінде сөйлейді деп ойламаймын.
Проблема белгілі, бірақ ол бета болып табылады жоқ шешім әлі бар.


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