Many tks to a silent work horse ...grizz"


when i started he was there , when i needed , he was there.. hes silent giant and lovable teddy bear .

i know many have turned to the grizz" and will , all i wish to say is tks grizz ive learnt alot and enjoy what i love doing flying this thing and all its goodies

so for the grizz:

Grizzly Bear - Cheerleader

I second this, (the Bear) who knows all the: hows, where, and why for so MANY...
And I didn't know you were so good on a Pole..
I am impressed, In time you could make a living out of it..

Whilst I agree with the sentiment of this thread, I'm having a chuckle at the 'silent' bit in the title! You want to see my inbox or if you've ever talked to him on Skype you'll know what I mean!!
I heard when he's hungry,he growls,...

Hey guys don't forget all the many others involved in producing the AvH series of aircraft starting with GregoryP who invented the 1% process. :icon29: I just named it.

What you see as the end product is the collaborative effort of many familiar names most of which are listed on the MAW site.
I wish to express my deep gratitude to ALL involved in the aircraft at AVH..
Your efforts and many others has enriched so many of our flight simmming experence..
To you Sir, and All involved
THANK YOU and God Bless YOU..
To the team..

I have to agree with Bear that CFS3 as it is today partly rests upon the work and shoulders of many who are no longer active within the community. We have all benefited from their initial work and knowldege that they generously shared with the community through the years.

As an example can you even imagine how we could have had multiple installs without Martin Wrights cfs3multiinstall? How about Fox's and Driver's effects packages? How about Ed's work on totally new theatres of operation?

Us "Late Comers" have alot to be thankful to the now silent past contributors and knowledge experts to this sim. Without their creations and sharing of their experttise in the workings of the sim we would not be able to continue improving CFS3.

Hey guys don't forget all the many others involved in producing the AvH series of aircraft starting with GregoryP who invented the 1% process. :icon29: I just named it.

What you see as the end product is the collaborative effort of many familiar names most of which are listed on the MAW site.