March Update Teasers


Charter Member 2011
Here are some shots from a few things in the March Update. The coast of France as you have never seen it in CFS3. Operation Dragoon and Normandy. Lots of new aircraft, carriers, rocket firing LSTs new vehicles and buildings effects, missions. carrier operations with localized wind down the deck for takeoff and landing, variable weather with fog in the target area. New fog weather with FPS friendley Zero Zero takeoffs on instruments and the list goes on:running:.

The Solomons ETO Group along with the rest of the ETO team is working hard to bring you an update that will knock your socks off.

Best Regards

Wow that's pretty cool! :jump: Any word on streamlining the dock facilities? Maybe it's time to think about a reconditioned dual core/pcie rig?
Squiffy its on the ACC folk wish list, but an owner has not stepped up yet to do the work necessary.

Steve, have you found the horse-drawn artillery squadrons yet?:icon_lol:

Wow that's pretty cool! :jump: Any word on streamlining the dock facilities? Maybe it's time to think about a reconditioned dual core/pcie rig?
New Fog Weather in March Update

Here are some shots of one of the new Fog Weather Files. This weather selection will "Fog In" a lot of the English Airfields in the Central and South UK. The player can fly a bomber mission with an instrument takeoff, and break out in the clear at 1200 ft and then proceed to the target in France which will be clear. The player will return and land at an airfield in North UK that is not fogged in. When you select an airfield that is fogged in for takeoff you will be completely socked in with vis of only 2 feet.:mixedsmi:

There will also be new Dragoon weather and some with Germany with low clouds and fog in the target areas.


Lewis and RB,

Please note the following when flying this fog.

1. This first file produces fog in Central and Southern England, but clear in the North and over the Channel towards France.
2. The fog is tied to ground elevation so you will see the most dense fog on airfields with the lowest elevations like East Church. If you do a QC out of Gatwick and Rochford you will notice thinner fog at ground level.
3. The fog behaves like real fog. At Rochford you look down the strip and say, hey the fog is not that bad but as soon as you get 200 ft in the air you are completely blind.
4. When making an approach to the airfields with thin fog remember that the visibility will get better under 200ft so if you are positioned well on the apprach and don't hit a ridge or tree you may actually make it. Knowing the actual field elevation will prevent you from flying in to the ground and you will know when to do a missed approach.

Only an insane person would try to land at East Church in this fog.:mixedsmi:

I added three pictures of taxing on the ground in medium fog.


Operation Dragoon

Thanks Guys, for the kind remarks. Here are some shots from Operation Dragoon. Operation Dragoon will contain at least a dozen missions and will feature a "Six-Pack" of weather designed just for this operation. The weather will feature 20kt winds on the decks of the carriers so you can takeoff a Hellcat with drop tank and two 1,000 lb bombs. The clouds out to sea will be totaly different than what you will encounter at the coast and inland each mission. There will be up to four different cloud and fog formations in each weather file. Some of the weather will have no fog but different clouds depending on the time of day of the strikes.This mission shows the dawn attack on German Positions around the village of Le-Muy. A thin low fog bank was in the area at the time of the attack and the Allied aircraft had to descend thru the low fog to attack. The fog will extend to the coast but is very low and thin.

The guys have done an extrodinary job building all of the new stuff and defining the historical locations of the positions and Bob is working me to death building the exact weather.:running:

Operation Dragoon is only one part of the march Update. What these guys are doing is truly extrodinary work and you will be very pleased.

oh darling ... this is exciting , in the words of the master of the finest hour

A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality.