That line should read:
FAILED team owner Eddie Jordan, meanwhile, recently advised 23-year-old Hamilton to "take him out" should the Brazilian employ similar tactics at Interlagos."
For my own part, I'd like to think that neither Felipe or The 'Iceman' would lower themselves to the Schumacher level.
If Massa wins the championship it would be a reward well deserved, but I expect Hamilton will end up with the Big Brass Ring, pplacing the final nail in the EffWun coffin for people like me.
The opposite to this entire sorry mess played out in Spain with the MotoGP gang, hard but clean racing in all three categories, plenty of camaradrie between riders, and considering all Championships had been decided, winning the race was at the forefront.
Even Melandri wrestled the Ducati into the Top Ten!!!!!
Adriana has another nice new BMW to add to her collection.
Brilliant season all round, with the new kids in MotoGP performing very well, while we may have another Valentino emerging in the 250 ranks.
Take note Max and Bernie, this is what REAL RACING is all about!