Master Corrado Thanks..


Charter Member
With the new Japanese aircraft Our Rising Sun can be a bit more historical when building missions.
Thank You Very Much they all work beautifully.


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Based on one of these, anyone want to venture a guess about which German aircraft we're working on developing next?
Thanks to you for all of your efforts! :ernaehrung004:


Sorry I haven't gotten back to you Corrado. My only comments on the Japanese AI are that the aircraft are a little easy to attck, with a defensive gun rate limit of only 5. But it is very easy for people to adjust this to their own preferences, I tend to use a ratelimit of 15-20, particularly when there is only a single defensive MG in a gunstation.

When I get the time I am lookingforward to reinstalling RS with all the addon ships and aircraft that are now available :applause:
Yes, it's an He-70F-2 Blitz for the SCW based on a reworking of the Ki-32 Mary model.

I'm still working on the texture template, but Corrado has the model flying already.
Getting the panel lines to match along the seams in the texture file is proving to be a bit tricky. I now have the sides and belly lined up, so I'm about 1/3 completed.
So, nobody noticed that both in my previous post.

Let me rephrase it differently, anybody making SCW missions for the new babes?



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When I finish the Rising Sun missions I can do some research for this aircraft, and do some SCW missions.
It will take some time to do the research for the missions, but not a problem.
More dancing..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
look like sb2's. gonna be full player aircraft?

No, both will be AI only; flyable, because people will ask for it anyway, but still AI.
That means basic low poly model, no proper VC just a stock adaptation; damage model, payload, XDP will be accurate as far as I can, that's important for an AI.
Say, for the Heinkel 70 I am trying to reproduced a certain weakness to fire; heard the real plane had a weakness due to usage of magnesium alloys.

As far as player planes are concerned I have a couple in the pipeline but those require time and don't belong to this one theatre; not to be unveiled ... yet. :jump:

Both AIs and Players share a common destiny, though; they always require more time than initially planned ... :banghead:
