MASTER HOBBIT , many tks added it up 2400- missions hobbit


Charter Member
NEW - TO - REVISED MISSIONS , CUSTOM ORDERED .... hobbit is the man for many and master of a select few, IN S.O.H they share care and pass down for our enjoyment and learning

many tks

and keep up the great work , and making life for the simmer a learning experience :applause::applause::applause::applause:
LOL!! 2400 Hobbit Crazy missions..
You have almost half I have built, have close to 5000 on my CD's and hard drives..
Took 13 years to build this many.

Pity it takes too much work to convert all of this so others can use them, perhaps some time I will get back to this.
Glad the 2400 you have, work in your set up
More coming my friend..
Oh Yea!!
And there is Much rejoicing!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
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