Mat manager

i haven't been able to find any active links for mat manager...but i have v2.10, 2.20 & 2.33 on my hard drive..
Yes, MatManager allows you to select different styles of markings besides the default ones in IL2. You can also choose to have only code letters displayed rather than nationality markings as well, something that comes in handy on RAF aircraft as the fuselage style markings are also placed in the under wing position by the game, which is incorrect. I wrote an after action report on the SimHQ website which illustrates the use of IL2MAT for just this purpose.

My Hurricane skins have the roundels already in place. IL2MAT just puts the squadron and individual aircraft code letters on each of them.
Mat Manager changes ALL default markings of all planes and squadrons to more accurate ones + let's you select year of war and theatre of war to display accurate markings. It's a massive mod, actually: contains literally thousands of files.