MAW carrier submerged???


Charter Member
I was flying a Sea Hurricane mission in MAW off a carrier in the Med near Malta and was returning to the carrier. When I got maybe a couple miles away, the carrier's hull submerged leaving the flight deck at sea level. :faint:As the younger generation is apt to say, "WTF!" Maybe the latest inovation in stealth technology?
I was flying a Sea Hurricane mission in MAW off a carrier in the Med near Malta and was returning to the carrier. When I got maybe a couple miles away, the carrier's hull submerged leaving the flight deck at sea level. :faint:As the younger generation is apt to say, "WTF!" Maybe the latest inovation in stealth technology?

:kilroy:Waco, there's nothing wrong. That's the way it is with CFS3 and all its stand-alone games (MAW, PTO, ETO, etc). The landing field has to be even with the surface, either of the land or the sea.:d
OMG, CFS2 gives you a real looking (well almost) carrier, but CFS3 gives us a timid (or maybe just bashful) carrier. Now that it's mentioned, I seem to remember something of the kind in OFF missions. I luv the immersion factor.:icon_lol: