MAW- Configuring new Saitek Aviator Joystick


Charter Member
I have been using this joystick in my CFS3, PTO, ETO and DPC Korean Skies. All the assignments are the same.

I setup a new configuration in MAW as MAW CFS3. It accepted assignments 1-8 and 12. It would not accept 9,10. and 11.

My original CFS3 configuration was for the "Logitech Attacker3." How do I change the original configuration to accept the additional assignments?

HELLO rcafmad

I have been using this joystick in my CFS3, PTO, ETO and DPC Korean Skies. All the assignments are the same.

I setup a new configuration in MAW as MAW CFS3. It accepted assignments 1-8 and 12. It would not accept 9,10. and 11.

My original CFS3 configuration was for the "Logitech Attacker3." How do I change the original configuration to accept the additional assignments?


First thing i would do is open up control panel, go to game controllers and see if your old joy stick is listed there, if so remove it
Then go back and try again and see if you you can get those assignments to work

If your new saitek has the profiler option , and you have not activated it
I would do so , Its a lot easier to program all the assignments for all the different types of game scenarios , missions, dogfighting, etc
I have noticed that some who buy the saitek brand joysticks skip over this option

Hope this helps :isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy:
Hello Lightman

I have a few questions that I would like to ask you about the Profiler. I will drop you an email.
