MAW Installation


Charter Member
I have just installed my MAW installation including the Updates.In the aircraft folder in the MAW files it shows the DR_Maryland and the DR_ Wellington aircraft.When I open the Aircraft selection in my MAW? These aircraft do not appear?If I select a Mission with the Wellington involved?MAW shuts down and my Desktop screen appears.Is there step that I have missed?Thanks
In my MAW-install there are Marylands and Wellingtons available when flying for GB and South Africa (click the little arrow-symbol in the AC list), so I don't know why they aren't in yours.

But wasn't the Maryland AC considered a beta model? I have superficially checked some air files with an air file manager and at least 1 is coded as AI only...
CFS3 crashing when selecting an aircraft might have something to do with not all the required files being present. There are probably more knowledgeable people around to confirm this or not.
Thanks Frosty.

I removed my MAW install and all the files.

Then I reloaded MAW as directed by the write up.

Same thing. No! Maryland aircraft, Wellington and German JU52 Transports for all countries.

There could be more?

Thanks Frosty.

I removed my MAW install and all the files.

Then I reloaded MAW as directed by the write up.

Same thing. No! Maryland aircraft, Wellington and German JU52 Transports for all countries.

There could be more?

Hi rcafmad, there is quite a lot of reading to do once MAW is installed, explaining how all the features including the eras work, and which aircraft are AI and will not show up for selection.

Are you fully patched up to MAW v 1.31?
MAW Install

I am up to date with MAW.

Question? When I re installed my CFS3, Included the Updates and the SDK programs by Microsoft.

Could I have added too much?

I believe they advised the CFS3 to be just the originals and updates.

Also I am only using Windows Defender as protection. It could have deleted some of the MAW files on install.

I am up to date with MAW.

Question? When I re installed my CFS3, Included the Updates and the SDK programs by Microsoft.

Could I have added too much?

I believe they advised the CFS3 to be just the originals and updates.

Also I am only using Windows Defender as protection. It could have deleted some of the MAW files on install.

hi RCAFmad,

there are recent threads on this very subject. I suspect you are right, and that you should turn off all antivirus programs briefly to allow the install and all subsequent updates to install properly.

Good luck, let us know how you get on