MAW Launchers

Lt. Heinz Becker

Charter Member
Decided to install MAW since I haven't messed with it since I have had access to Win 7. For some odd reason, none of the launchers work that are placed on the desktop, and the only one that does is the cfs3.exe that is located in the CFS3 Mediterranean Air War folder. Other then that, no issues whatsoever. I still have to say, Valletta harbor still gives me framerate drops with 4 gig of ram lol. Its noticeable but not doesn't hinder me in a dogfight.
Decided to install MAW since I haven't messed with it since I have had access to Win 7. For some odd reason, none of the launchers work that are placed on the desktop, and the only one that does is the cfs3.exe that is located in the CFS3 Mediterranean Air War folder. Other then that, no issues whatsoever. I still have to say, Valletta harbor still gives me framerate drops with 4 gig of ram lol. Its noticeable but not doesn't hinder me in a dogfight.

Hi Lt. Heinz Becker,

I suspect is is something to do with your antivirus system? It thinks the MAW shortcuts are trying to run something dangerous. If you can instruct the antivirus system to ignore whatever the shortcuts point to that might help.
The error I get when clicking the Campaign.exe Launcher is:

The procedure entry point AccessibleObjectFromEvent could not be located in the dynamic link library OLEACC.dll.

Same error for Standard Mode.

Spawn Selector error is:

The program can't start because MSVBM50.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling to fix the problem.

Im running this in compatibility mode set to windows xp service pack 3. Still no luck.
Hi Lt. Heinz Becker,

Try changing the target in the properties section of the CFS3.exe

Sometimes that gets changed by your anti-virus.

I hope this helps.

It has been a while since my post about this issue however I have found out it was my antivirus fouling things up so thank you all for the help! My spawn setup utility still isn't working however all other icons work fine. Just finished installing al of Led Zeppelin's MAW Mission Packages, 1 through 9, looking forward to trying them out!