MAW Loaded- Thanks to cristiano103


Charter Member
If you want to know where the greatest members are? They are here at SOH.

I had no luck in loading MAW until I posted a thread concerning the original MAW. Cristiano was willing to send me a DVD from his home in Italy to help me. It loaded correctly. Now I have MAW.

On numerous occasions I have been assisted by other members with excellent advice, DVDs and downloads. I thank all of them.

It is nice to know in this "Me World" there are members like you.

I will be ready, willing to donate to SOH anytime to keep in running.


people like this are hard to find. it should make one proud to be a member of the sim community.
:ernae: :ernae: :ernae: :ernae: :ernae:

Hello Guys

As I was mentioned directly I permit to myself to say some words about what I (and, I think, many others at SOH) mean for community.
Being part of a community means that the individual put his skills at disposition of the other, of course nobody has the same skills so anyone give a different contribution to the community.
I am not able to create amazing model like Ted or Jon, nor I can't "skin" like John or Nigel or make spectacular effects like Steve or prepare heroic missions like Al or Loic or Nonato, not to tell of the incredible knowledge of Kasey or the immense ability to build failities of the ACC Group and Jeff (the list may continue and I ask the many other who I didn't mention to forgive me)......... so the only contribution I can give is to "spread the word" and as long as I can I shall continue to do so and in the same time it's my way to thanks all those people who made this happens.
Cheers my Friends :ernae: and always remember that to give is better than to receive.

I wish You all to have always good flying
Cris "Astore"