MAW scenery improvement, perhaps


Charter Member
Compared to the greatness of Johnno_UK's scenery in northern Europe MAW looks slightly outdated. I've installed Stary's new ground textures and while they improved the situation they also made the trees stick out a lot thanks to their bright green colouring. I'd like to try toning down them a bit but I have a problem - I can't find the tree textures anywhere. Surely they must be somewhere but does anybody know where that actually is?

I'll also try my hand at giving the airfields some new breath of life, the stock(?) CFS3 textures are better disposed of if possible.
Indeed it is but finding it was the hard thing, it's not in the terrains/ as one might assume. I had looked through the zip files half a dozen times and always skipped the terrains/ because it's full of .sm files and nothing else... with the exception of that one .dds file. Whoever decided to place it there (it's there already in stock CFS3) needs a firm slap on the back of their head.

This far I've managed to adjust the trees to blend in better and somehow also found a way to bring the refurbished ETO airfields into MAW without the entire thing looking like rural England with boxy trees - that's what happened with my first tries some years ago. This may eventually lead to something great.
Interested to see what you come up with, sounds a good idea, MAW could do with some up to date tweaks.
I wuz unable to find that horrid airfield so I could back-off the GREEEN (!)
Anyone know how we can edit this?
The dr_airbase_d1ita.xml facility appears with very green grass in my version of MAW
I cannot figure out which .dds file the game is using to produce such a green effect, or how to fix this since it is not the only airbase that uses
dr_airbase1550_grass that can be found in the object folder, and if you open it you will get :
<Runway Start="0 0 -775" Stop="0 0 775" Width="50" Turn="10000" SurfaceType="grass"/>
when you look at the runway sub- folder in the building folder there are only two .dds file: and
The dr_airbase_d1ita.xml facility appears with very green grass in my version of MAW
I cannot figure out which .dds file the game is using to produce such a green effect, or how to fix this since it is not the only airbase that uses
dr_airbase1550_grass that can be found in the object folder, and if you open it you will get :
<Runway Start="0 0 -775" Stop="0 0 775" Width="50" Turn="10000" SurfaceType="grass"/>
when you look at the runway sub- folder in the building folder there are only two .dds file: and
The dr_airbase_d1ita.xml facility appears with very green grass in my version of MAW
I cannot figure out which .dds file the game is using to produce such a green effect, or how to fix this since it is not the only airbase that uses
dr_airbase1550_grass that can be found in the object folder, and if you open it you will get :
<Runway Start="0 0 -775" Stop="0 0 775" Width="50" Turn="10000" SurfaceType="grass"/>
when you look at the runway sub- folder in the building folder there are only two .dds file: and

The file in the object folder you mention seems to be a runway definition file. This only defines the properties of the runway and is unrelated to a .dds, although the airfield's colour and the file's name might suggest otherwise.
The .dds you need, is located somwhere else, most likely the in the terrains folder. See if that file is corrupted or perhaps the .mos file for that airfield. You can open the the .dds with the usual programs. For the .mos file you need the .mos file editor that comes with the aircraft modelling SDK. in the in the terrains folder is the file you're looking for. If you want to create a replacement version you can just put one with the same name in the assets folder, and it should take over from the default one.
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Thanks,got it. In fact there are six airbases that have this greenish feature:,,,,, and

But I have no idea on how to make the proper changes to the .dds.