I wish I could paint floats onto the Broussard....that was one pretty float plane. I love float planes...especially radial powered ones. Guess it has to do with my inherent (and recently discovered) yearn to be a bush pilot in the harsh Pacific Northwest regions.
I did some digging around for paint schemes for the Broussard and the vast majority of the pics showed the plane in military paints. French, a really sharp tri-color desert camo scheme. Very few civie painted schemes, even when the plane had civie registration it was painted up in military dress. So, I guess I will do up some fresh military skins for the plane, along with the few civie paints....and toss in some fictional skins as well. Have no idea when I will get them done....as I started this project on a whim last night and may very well start another project today or tomorrow on the exact same whim...that darn AADD acts up all the time. Have dozens and dozens of projects in the works...most of them oh so close to being done and ready for uploading...but I find myself starting one new project after another.