Max Tweak Package...corrupt?!?!?


Retired SOH Admin
I installed CFS3 after a few years of not running see how it will run on my newer system...and because I miss flying the Jug in anti-rail missions. I am trying to remember all the tweaks I used on my old system...and one of them I remember is the Max Tweaks package. I have downloaded the package from the CFS3 library twice...first time the download came out as 0 in size, second time I got a corrupt package.

Does anyone know of another source for the complete Max Tweak package...or for the individual Max Tweak packages.

Max Tweaks? Oy vey is mir.... that takes me back. I can send you the MAX CFS3 PKG (ca 32MB) from the dustier corners of my HD, but since it was targeted at nVidia 5X00 cards, especially the likes of a 5200, you can surely do better nowadays with a newer rig?

Anyway, PM me a usable addy and they're yours.
I don't think I need the Max Tweaks...with all sliders on full, I am getting between 30 and 50 FPS in CFS3...which is perfectly acceptable for doing ground attack runs...and that is with the P-47 wearing a tweaked skin in DDS 888 32-bit format.

CFS3 was my first modern MS flight sim...and for 3 years I tried to get it to run smoothly on my old old system (P3 800meg, 128meg RAM, 32 meg video) that I tried every tweak combination there was...and could never get the sim to run well. Now that I have a P4 3gig, 2gig Ram, 512meg Nvidia Geforce 7600 GS system...those tweaks aren't needed.

I sure was nice to be able to fire up the sim, jump in my Jug and go out and bust rail traffic. I have been running CFS2 for the last 3 years.....much easier on frame rates, much easier to tweak (in my opinion)....great for air to air...but I missed the ground attack work.

You know, Obio, I would say that the Expansion Sets are tweaks, all five of them.
You must at least see ETO.... stock planes all painted up and over 200 A/C in all....
See sticky above for downloads.
Firestorm's right - go and get the addons! You may not be at sliders 5 any more, but you'll still see a HUGE difference.