Just wondered what the maximum height it is possible to attain in OFF is..and if anyone has achieved it?
I get the distinct impression that the upper air in WW1 was populated completely by intoxicated, hypoxia-affected aviators just having a grand old time. It's surprising they took so many good pictures, or that the Gothas were able to hit anything even as big as London.
In OFF I have now flown most of the mid- to late-war scouts up to about 15,000 ft and sometimes slightly higher. But they are not much good for dog-fighting at altitudes above 12,000 ft, as they wallow around, loose height in turns and are prone to stall and spin out at these higher altitudes (just as they should).
In flying fury mccudden talks about rumpler's regularly flying at 21,000 ft.
I have also read that the pup had a manouverability advantage over the albatross at 17,000 ft.