maybe of interest


Charter Member
stumbled upon this at Flight Sim

FS2004 Realistic Airport Terrain
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 8,865,582 Date: 04-08-2005 Downloads: 11,213
FS2004 Realistic Airport Terrain. Replaces the bland airport grass environment with varied ground textures which blend well with the surrounding terrain. Subtle 3D look from the air, natural texture diversity and seasonal variety greatly enhance the appearance of both default and add-on airports from the air and on the ground. Optimized for the FScene textures by Ruud Faber who has given permission to modify and include three of his textures in this package. By Sascha Rieger.

attemps to blend airports into the surrounding terrain in a more subtle fashion

View attachment 51452View attachment 51451[/SIZE]View attachment 51453
Thanks for the HU...I certainly missed that one. Like most of us I am constantly on the lookout for things that make FS look just that little bit better. This sure looks like the ticket.

Hollerlooya! Some airport grass that doesn't look like a giant dog has taken a dump all over the place! I have been attempting to make new airport grass that looks better than the stock crap....and only managed to get a couple improved.....tweaking ground textures and getting them to look right is not as easy as one would think it would be.


Have compared the spring and summer textures in this pack to the stock spring and summer textures at my local airport.....a HUGE improvement. HUGE. Grab this package folks....if you have the stock airport surround textures....this will greatly improve the look of your airports.

Going to add this to the Making FS9 Look Great for Free thread.
Hollerlooya! Some airport grass that doesn't look like a giant dog has taken a dump all over the place! I have been attempting to make new airport grass that looks better than the stock crap....and only managed to get a couple improved.....tweaking ground textures and getting them to look right is not as easy as one would think it would be.


Have compared the spring and summer textures in this pack to the stock spring and summer textures at my local airport.....a HUGE improvement. HUGE. Grab this package folks....if you have the stock airport surround textures....this will greatly improve the look of your airports.

Going to add this to the Making FS9 Look Great for Free thread.

You might want to add his other packages to that list too; real waves and reality pack...
search 'Sascha Rieger' at


Note of caution for us Brits... the 'euro' textures in the 'reality pack' tend to make some of dear old blighty look a bit like
central europe; they look great in Switzerland and Germany though.

LOL! My fs9 is fully 'pimped'; its why I don't want to go 'over there'!!

Just curious if FPS is impacted at all? I really could use a terrain replacement to match some of the models I fly in FS. Kinda sick up and fed of the "blurries"

Edit: I just went over to Flight Sim and searched the filename... "" (without the quotes) and it came up "file not found in the library". Hmmm, maybe they yanked it for some oddball reason.

I just downloaded it yesterday from without any trouble. Can't imagine it being pulled for any reason after being up there for six years.

As for the blurries that is in my experience usually caused by the aircraft textures and not the scenery. I would suggest trying one area where you get the blurry scenario with a default AC. If they don't happen switch to one of the add-on AC where you get the blurry textures.
Most of the time it needs to have the texture format changed using DXTBmp to suit your graphic card.

I just did a search for and it came right up. Maybe there was a heavy server load at the time you did your search. Try again. It's worth the effort.

Just went back and searched it again... and this time it came right up. Can't figure why it didn't work the first time I tried.

Andy -- I may need to get in on some of those "meds" that you speak of, :icon_lol: either that or quit drinking all of Nigel's ouzo. :isadizzy:

Hollerlooya! Some airport grass that doesn't look like a giant dog has taken a dump all over the place! I have been attempting to make new airport grass that looks better than the stock crap....and only managed to get a couple improved.....tweaking ground textures and getting them to look right is not as easy as one would think it would be.

I've been accused of accessing his secret screenshot files but I will neither confirm nor deny...

However, rumour has it that one of the efforts was to create a "crater" texture for airport grass to fit his ideas of flight and...

View attachment 51676

Notice the crisp lines and clearly defined trail of rubble..
DEFINATELY of interest!

Well done Norab! Tweaks like this always of interest.

"Andy -- I may need to get in on some of those "meds" that you speak of,
either that or quit drinking all of Nigel's ouzo.


BB686; Take a buddy's good advice - stick to my ouzo, run like the clappers if you see the medics.
What the clever picture doesn't show is the maniac nurse SRN JDTinballs who's hellbent on injecting everyone with a lethal dose of Haggis! :jawdrop:
Yep...that would be one of my landings for sure. I can take off in any plane in my collection, fly most of them reasonably well. But the number of planes that I can land high school shop teacher could count them on both hands....and he had fingers missing as all good high school shop teachers do.
