Maybe we should contact Carenado...


Charter Member
I myself have contacted them and asked if this plane owuld be available for FS9, and they responded by saying they were not sure.....maybe if we all contacted them and begged it might sway them I know I would love for it to be in FS9.
I'll send them an e-mail as well. Also, they have a 172 coming out soon too.
Count me in! I would love to see both of these ships in FS9.:wiggle:
The 172 is for FS9 (not yet available). The Arrow on the other hand would be nice as well:wiggle:
Yes I do seem to remember them saying that the 172 would be for both sims.....But the Arrow.....not a good one out there to my knowledge for FS9 and DEFINITELY not one of Carenado's level of quality; Hope they do it for FS9!!
They are listening. Got a reply from them regarding my email saying "Thanks for the feedback".

You know what you have to do...:boxing:
Hey All,

Anybody mention a 180/185 taildragger on wheels and amphibs? While they are at it how about a 170?

Hey All,

Anybody mention a 180/185 taildragger on wheels and amphibs? While they are at it how about a 170?


Does anyone know of a C170 or C180 within 150/200 miles or so of upper east Tennessee? I know Carenado likes to model aircraft they have access to and I've thought about emailing them volunteering to take the needed photos if they would entertain the idea of modeling, preferably a C180.
