Driving by the ramp here at KSSI yesterday & noted a gloss German green Bo-105 parked on the line. Aircraft had black serials on the outer surface of both vertical stabs, and "U.S. ARMY" on outside of tail booms. I didn't know these were flown by Army Aviation. I've always seen their lettering as "UNITED STATES ARMY" down the tail boom. I am wondering if this is a situation similar to that I observed when in the Air Force in the early 70s. At Luke AFB there were dozens of F-104s, and TF-104s, on the ramp in standard uncamouflaged U.S. Air Force markings - yet they were all the property of the West German government, and used for training their pilots. Is this -105 actually U.S. Army property, or is it German property kept here and being flown by German aircrew?