I am NOT going to buy this!
...but even for a Legacy sound model it is among the worst I have ever heard. It's so bad I'm convinced it may actually be a bug and not performing the way it was intended.
Even if I wanted it, because of Asobo's fundamental reduction of the detail level in "Flight 2020" by the latest update, I'll further curtail any future purchases of add-ons for this sim. I thought there was something wrong with my graphics settings, but it's the sim sadly.I'm afraid you won't stand it !you can deny yourself 4-5 beers ; )
Isn't it supposed to sound like a bug ? Actually it IS a bug all together, isn't it.
Essentially, yes.. I just don't think the sound for this aircraft is designed well. It uses the same engine sound for both engines, a very high pitched annoying noise with very little variation in sound. Here is a quick clip I recorded this morning so you can see what I mean. My issue is not really with the sound of the tiny little piston engines, but the way it is implemented and represented in the sim.
Volume warning, it is loud and very obnoxious (sorry for the TrackIR wonkyness at the start)
The video Storm posted seems to be a much better representation of how the aircraft should sound.
and just because I have nothing better to do on a Saturday...