MDL file app



I am looking for a freeware tool that can view the contents of a MDL to find out what Textures the file uses. Does any one know of any?
I asked the same question not that long ago and Padre Bill (n4gix) provided the ever-so-easy answer...

"Open the .mdl with wordpad.exe and simply search for ".bmp" to discover the file names."
Thanks! note pad is the duct tape of the computer world :jump:

For the normal user, that is certainly true!

For developers though, I'd say that Microsoft Visual Studio is the "duct tape." Even the "free" versions of Visual Studio can open and allow editing of nearly any file format you care to name. :ernae:
Nobody uses a hex editor anymore ?

That is built into the MS Visual Studio program. I can easily open a .mdl file to examine the contents...

For FS9 .mdl files I can even make (minor) edits and saves.

For FSX .mdl files though, any edits whatever will result in a non-loadable model...