Me 110 is this Fair Have a Look


Charter Member
I added a few weapons to my Me110's they work great..But is it fair..Do ya think that the Me110 should have a upgrade..The added weapons pod is alot of fun on one of these..LOL...:applause:
Nice, are they ready for dwld and if so can ya post link? thx.
The weapons pods are here at SOH some kind soul put them together some thime ago..Then Just add them to you Me110's XDP they do work well..
I have them on several german aircraft..And they are really dangerous if you are the one being shot at..I have modded or added to many of the XDP's in my personel load ins..I use Notepad to open them, then I add the new weapons is all..Anyone can do it..I mean, if I can anyone can..But they are a bit of a cheat..Lots of firepower..More then any one would expect..But fun for personel use..
Thanks, Slip Stream for the info, I couldn't remember who first built them, And I use your upgrade to 20mm and 30mm in my set up it is wonderful as long as your not the one being shot at..LOL..