Me 163 Komet question


Charter Member
Been really enjoying this challenging aircraft. Along with BorikS Ar-234 CFS3 will be complete with what was actually used in combat. The Me-163 is my favorite interceptor. Can even dogfight for short periods. Thanks to all who worked on the Me-163. Outstanding !! Looking forward to the Ar-234 as a complement that even looks better than the payware one. Thanks for the joy all this great stuff coming out. CFS3 is still my favorite sim even if i can't get the shaders to work. Doesn't look that dated anyhow. Can live with how it is. Are there any others that really like the wonderful Me-163 also ? Regards,Scott ps Thanks for all the new aircraft that has been done including the P-61,Tempest mk II and more. Gives me a lot of hope for the future.
ME 163 Komet Missions

SPQR33 did a group of ME 163 missions called "Komet Repel Missions". PM me if you can't find them.