Me-163 skid problem


Charter Member
Love the new Me-163!!! Just have a problem getting the landing skid to retract after dropping the dolly. If i climb too steep the dolly hits the a/c and i crash. How do i get the skid to work correctly ? Thanks for any help. A truly awesome fighter ..... Thanks to all to all involved in this project .
Gentle, precise pitch inputs, well timed with your skid retraction will do the job. I have found it also works well to raise the skid at your initial lift off. On your takeoff roll, at 180 km/h you can push down to raise the tail, and then bring the stick back to lift smoothly into the air at 200 km/h while simultaneously raising the skid. I've seen photos of this method being used as well as of waiting until stabilized after takeoff to raise the skid.