Me 183 Komet


Is there one in CFS3, even if a pretty bad one?? Looking for one (stationary) to put in my new Fliegerhorst Venlo where they were apparently based in 1944.
Hey, guys, I have just uploaded that item, along with a bunch of others that somehow got missed. All under CFS3 Other Add-ons - Vehicles.

And if anyone has these zips, please PM me:

They are also missing.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Grizzly,sorry to jump on this thread,in relation to other stuff that hasn't been uploaded from the old archive,do you know when the rest of the cfs3 skins and repaint aircraft will be uploaded?,many thanks.
Pete1, Just as soon as I can get them all uploaded.

I cannot give a time, but I am on it.

Rami knows what I am doing. I have lots to upload, all I ask is to let me do it.

Grizz has been doing this as a great favour to the community despite major real-life responsibilities. It's much appreciated Kasey! :applause::applause::applause:
Yes, the great amount of effort by Grizz on this is a Blessing that all should realize..
His efforts are of a MASSIVE scale..
Thank you very Much..
:salute: :salute: :salute: